The Role of the Civilian Component in African Union Peace Operations
The role of civilians in African Union (AU) peace support operations (PSOs) is still not fully understood. As a result, civilian capacity development has not been well resourced in comparison with the military and police dimensions of the African Standby Force (ASF) and has only modestly developed since 2006. As at the end of 2016 the AU has deployed approximately 400 civilians across its PSOs in Burundi, the Central African Republic (CAR), Mali, Somalia and Sudan. The average size of the actual civilian component in each mission totalled approximately fifty people. The civilian components most commonly found in AU PSOs are Political Affairs, Human Rights and Protection, Public Information, Humanitarian Liaison, Safety and Security, Civil Affairs, Gender and Mission Support. Despite AU policies and PSO doctrine, the value of a multidimensional approach to PSOs, and the role that civilians perform in this larger context, is not widely recognised in the AU Commission, AU PSOs or among the AU’s key PSO partners. The AU has struggled to articulate clearly why it needs a multidimensional approach, what the function and contribution of the civilian components are, and how the civilians staff contribute to achieving the mandate of a particular mission. This will have to change if the AU is serious about undertaking comprehensive stabilisation operations.
Outsidership and the European Neighbourhood Policy. The case of Norway
This paper examines how and to what extent Norway adapts to and is affected by the European Union’s policy towards its neighbours in the East. In line with the overall topic of the special issue, it investigates how Norway handles its ‘outsidership’ when formulating its policies towards Union’s Eastern partner countries that have signed Association Agreements with the EU (Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova). While Norway is not an EU member, it is still highly integrated in to most of the Union’s policy areas. It even has the habit of signing up to most of the EU’s declarations on foreign policy. However, the European Neighbourhood Policy is one of the policy areas where Norway is not participating. This means that it has the liberty to choose a different approach than the EU in its bilateral relations with these countries. Thus, this paper investigates what kind of balance Norway seeks between autonomy and integration in relation to the ENP partner countries. As this article shows, Norway seem to align itself to the policies of the EU also in this area, sometimes even without the Norwegian officials being fully aware of the extent to which this is happening.
Korleis missa ein milliard: Afrikas tap frå gruveindustrien
Ressursrike land klarer ofte ikkje å sikre seg ein rettferdig del av naturressursformuane sine. Don Hubert har i ”Korleis missa ein milliard” utarbeidd eit rammeverk for å vurdere inntektsrisiko. I rapporten er det også ei omfattande samling av ”real-world case studies” designet for å hjelpe ressurrike land med å stoppe skattesvik.
KRONIKK: Kan vi stole på NATO?
Sannsynligvis vil vi ikke ha det NATO vi kjenner i dag, om ti år, skriver Karsten Friis.
Strengthening the Peace and Governance Nexus within the African Union. Enhancing synergy between the African Governance Architecture (AGA) and the...
The vision of the African Union (AU) is to achieve “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena”. The attainment of that vision hinges on three foundational imperatives: democratic governance, peace and security, and sustainable development. The focus of this report is on the interlinkages between democratic governance on the one hand and peace and security on the other. The report examines the two overarching mechanisms that were established by the AU to strengthen democratic governance and attain peace and security; namely the African Governance Architecture (AGA) and the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).
KRONIKK: Brexit og europeisk sikkerhet
Kan brexit gjøre at Norge og Storbritannia blir tettere integrert med EU?
Brexit from Norway: a European Free Trade Association perspective
This report is part of larger comparative research project on how Brexit is percieved and approached in various European countries. In this paper I map out some aspects of brexit as it is viewed from Norway. See text here
Serbias statminister om EU-medlemskap og samarbeid i regionen
Statminster Ana Brnabić besøkjer NUPI for å gi perspektivet sitt på Serbias håp og status for eit EU-medlemskap
Brexit og europeisk sikkerhet
Kan brexit gjøre at Norge og Storbritannia blir tettere integrert med EU? Det kan skje i sikkerhetspolitikken.