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Naturressurser og klima

Hva er de sentrale spørsmålene knyttet til naturressurser og klima?

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted: Gazprom Encounters EU Regulation

This book contributes to an ongoing debate about the EU as a global actor, the organization’s ability to speak with one voice in energy affairs, and the external dimension of the regulatory state. Investigating whether the Energy Union amounts to a fundamental shift towards Europe's new 'Liberal Mercantilism', it gathers high-level contributors from academia and the policy world to shed light on the changing nature of the EU's use of power in one of its most crucial policy fields. It argues that the Energy Union epitomizes a change in the EU’s approach to managing its economic power. Whilst the EU remains committed to a liberal approach to international political economy, it seems ready to promote regulation for the purpose of augmenting its own power at the expense of others, notably Russia. This edited collection will appeal to political scientists, economists and energy experts.

  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Energi
  • EU
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Energi
  • EU
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Household Measures for River Flood Risk Reduction in the Czech Republic

  • Europa
  • Klima
  • Europa
  • Klima
Vitenskapelig artikkel

The Arctic and a Trump Administration Yet to Come

How may the Trump administration affect the Arctic? This is the topic for Elana Wilson Rowe's High North News commentary.

  • Nord-Amerika
  • Arktis
  • Energi
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Arktis
  • Energi
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Local perceptions of corporate social responsibility for Arctic petroleum in the Barents region

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is promoted and critiqued by many players involved in or opposed to petroleum exploration and extraction, although a common understanding of CSR’s theoretical and practical meanings rarely exists. This paper uses Arctic petroleum in the Barents region (Norway and Russia) to investigate local perceptions of CSR. We conducted open-ended, semi-structured interviews in four locations: Hammerfest, Murmansk, Komi Republic, and Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO). Interviewees included the local population, regional and local authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and petroleum company representatives. The field research suggests that those who gain directly from the petroleum industry and do not directly experience negative impacts were more inclined to be positive about the industry, although overall, general support for petroleum activity was high. In some cases, positive economic benefits resulted in greater tolerance of environmental risk. Sometimes, the industry and government were criticised by locals for failing to support a more equitable distribution of broader economic benefits. Rather than splitting along for-profit/NGO or indigenous/non-indigenous lines, our analysis suggests that those who are closer to the petroleum industry or its benefits, termed ‘insiders’, tend to be more positive than ‘outsiders’. This study is perhaps the first of its kind in its focus on local perceptions of CSR for Arctic petroleum across the Barents region. The findings of this study not only match with that of the previous literature on Arctic petroleum but also provide further practical and theoretical insights by indicating subtleties and nuances within the localities examined. (Published: November 2016)

  • Arktis
  • Energi
  • Arktis
  • Energi

Oljehensyn fremfor politisk strategi?

Rex Tillerson er Trumps ønskede utenriksminister. Dét kan få store geopolitiske ringvirkninger.

  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Energi
  • Styring
Hvor hender det?
Hvem intervenerte Vesten i Midtøsten for - seg selv eller folkene i Midtøsten? Og med hvilket resultat?
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • NATO
  • Development policy
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Energy
  • Governance
Hvor hender det?
Hvem intervenerte Vesten i Midtøsten for - seg selv eller folkene i Midtøsten? Og med hvilket resultat?
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • NATO
  • Development policy
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Energy
  • Governance
Vitenskapelig artikkel

CO2 price sensitivity of LNG and pipelines

  • Handel
  • Energi
  • Handel
  • Energi

Emissions trading and climate diplomacy between Europe and China

  • Handel
  • Europa
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Handel
  • Europa
  • Asia
  • Klima
Hvor hender det?
Olje er en svært viktig innsatsfaktor i de fleste lands økonomiske virksomhet og er den enkeltvare i internasjonal handel med størst omsetning.
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • International organizations
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