Det grønne skiftet: Disse konfliktene vil det bli mer av - og mindre av
NUPI-forskere har gjort den første metastudien av det grønne skiftet og geopolitikk.
Renewable energy and geopolitics: A review
Denne artikkelen gir oversikt over faglitteraturen om fornybar energi og geopolitikk. Den finner at litteraturen strekker seg bakover helt til 1970-tallet. Følgende konklusjoner distillieres fra litteraturen: fornybar energi har mange fordeler over fossil energi for internasjonal sikkerhet og fred; men fornybar energi øker risikoen for spenning knyttet til kritiske materialer og kybersikkerhet; tidligere olje- og gasseksportører vil være de største taperne fra en overgang til fornybar energi.
China in the Sustainable Development Agenda: Key environmental issues and responses
Kina hanskes med veldig alvorlig forurensing og ikke bærekraftig bruk av mange naturressurser. Miljøspørsmål knyttet til luft, grunn og hav har fått ølende oppmerksomhet i kinesisk nasjonal politikk, og Kina tar nå en mer aktiv rolle internasjonalt. Ved å forplikte seg til internasjonale avtaler, samtidig som det insisterer på differensiert ansvar og frivillige bidrag, inntar Kina en slags mellomposisjon mellom utviklingsland og mange høyinntektsland.
Multilateral cooperation in the area of climate-related security and development risks in Africa
Over the past decade the impact of climate change on people’s everyday lives have become tangible. Its effects have contributed to loss of human life, it has undermined livelihoods, destroyed infrastructure, harmed national economies and stressed state budgets. Across the globe, its impacts have contributed to widened gender inequalities in different contexts. Climate change is also transforming and redefining the global security and development landscape. The implications of climate change for security and development has become increasingly recognized within the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU) and Regional Economic Communities (REC). The framing of climate change in the security and development discourse is undergoing an important change. In some spaces it is moving away from seeing climate change as a security ‘threat,’ and instead frames it as climate-related security and development ‘risks’. This approach, which is also the approach we take in this paper, emphasizes that climate change must not be seen as predominantly external in its cause, but rather that it exposes and compounds risks that are inherent in social-ecological systems, – especially in fragile and conflict-affected environments.
WIN-WIN! with ODA-man: legitimizing development assistance policy in Japan
Official development assistance (ODA) constitutes one of Japan’s most important foreign policy instruments as it builds Japan’s global network and supports allies in the Southeast Asian region and beyond. In the context of a rising China and an increasingly severe fiscal and demographic situation at home, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) promulgated a domestic-oriented legitimation campaign featuring a popular anime character rebranded as ‘ODA-man’ to increase public understanding of and support for Japan’s ODA. Drawing on interpretivist analysis of performances at a development cooperation promotion festival, anime videos on the MOFA YouTube channel and interviews and examining the use of rhetorical strategies, this article provides an in-depth study of the promotion of one of the central instruments in Japan’s foreign policy repertoire. Though he comes off as goofy and benign, ODA-man’s messages are serious ones that reproduce dominant economic and security narratives about Japan and the world. Analysis points to both innovation and path dependency in Japan’s foreign policy repertoire; while ODA-man may be new the story he is telling, and the way that he is performing it, is very much familiar. The article further illuminates important trends in the public legitimation of foreign policy in Japan.
Forskere: Altfor lite midler til avgjørende klimaforskning
Forskere fra NUPI og University of Sussex har analysert over 11400 milliarder kroner i forskningsmidler. De mener en forsvinnende liten andel har blitt brukt til å finne svar på en av vår tids største utfordringer.