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NUPI skole
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Styring

Elite perceptions of ethical problems facing the Western oil industry in Azerbaijan

This is a study of the Azerbaijani political elite’s perceptions of Western oil companies and their contribution to – or hindrance of – the development of democracy and human rights. Twenty oppositional figures, including most of the party leaders and presidential candidates, plus some media, NGO and academic personalities, were subjected to an in-depth interview. There was a consensus that the Western oil industry was at best irrelevant and at worst inimical to the cause of democracy and human rights in Azerbaijan. This is because short-term commercial considerations have led it to kowtow to the dictatorship, ignore the political opposition and boycott the free media. There is also pay discrimination against Azerbaijani labour. Above all, it was almost universally agreed that the Western oil industry is aggravating the corruption of Azerbaijani life. Nobody thought Statoil worse than the other foreign oil companies, but only a minority thought it better. The result of this undesirable behaviour is likely to be the severe displeasure of any new government based on the current political opposition, which may prefer Japanese and Chinese investment. At worst, the population’s acute disillusionment with the West and the social misery caused by corruption and mismanagement may override Azerbaijan’s secular and moderate traditions and bring about an Islamic Republic. The elite makes many suggestions for what the Western oil companies can and should do to improve the situation: such as not being bluffed by the president, insisting on transparent accounting, cultivating alternative centres of power, facilitating scientific, educational and cultural exchange and supporting the Azerbaijani cause in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Europa
  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Europa
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Vekst og miljø – i pose og sekk?

  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Økonomisk vekst

Corruption in former USSR countries and international oil business in Azerbaijan

This research report presents an analysis of corruption in Azerbaijan. We have mainly relied on secondary sources. Since data on observed corruption are scarce and unsystematic, we had to give much emphasis on background data that have important impact on corruption levels in general and for which quantitative observations exist: The relative size of the underground economy, the rate of tax collection and the degree of poverty. We draw background data from a sample of countries that belonged to the former Soviet Union, the FSU countries. The countries chosen we consider to be the most relevant for a study of corruption in Azerbaijan, either because they are the largest among the FSU countries or because they are at similar economic level as Azerbaijan, share borders or language. Practical considerations, such as available statistics also play a role.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Europa
  • Energi
  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Europa
  • Energi

Identitet og politikk: En utredning om kollektive selvbilder i politikken

Denne rapporten går igjennom og diskuterer sentrale bidrag i dagens studier og teorier rundt kollektive selvbilder og identiteter. Det argumenteres for et perspektiv som bygger pa Benedict Andersons og Fredrik Barths vektlegging av de subjektive aspektene ved en felles identitet. Identiteter er dessuten i sin natur politiske, ettersom det alltid innebærer å trekke grenser mot ulike Andre. Dette gjelder også nasjonal identitet, der blant annet utenrikspolitikken bidrar til dette. Videre diskuteres Norges historiske og samtidige Selv- og Andre-bilder. Det påpekes at man i dag, blant annet grunnet intemasjonaliseringen og den økte kommunikasjonen, ser tegn til at stadig flere identitetskategorier er løsrevet fra en territoriell base. Vi opplever med andre ord ikke bare statsforvitring, men ogsa nasjonsforvitring. Samtidig blir stadig flere politiske felt inkorporert i et intemasjonalt nettverk som gjør anerkjennelse av politikken viktig. En fremtidig utenrikspolitikk og “norgesprofilering” bør derfor etter all sannsynlighet matte ta større hensyn til denne internasjonaliseringen og kulturelle fragmenteringen.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Nasjonsbygging
  • Nasjonalisme
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Nasjonsbygging
  • Nasjonalisme
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