Petroleum revenue and Caspian security, conflict driver or means of conflict resolution
R&D Policy Support and Industry Concentration: A SKIN Model Analysis of the European Defence Industry
Digital utvikling gir nye trusler
Under et seminar på NUPI forklarte seniorforsker Thomas X. Hammes hvordan ny teknologi skaper nye sikkerhetstrusler og tok for seg hvordan USAs myndigheter møter de nye utfordringene.
European Energy Security in the Wake of the Russia–Ukraine Crisis, PISM Strategic File 27(63)
Russia’s confrontational approach towards Ukraine and the West has made energy security bells ring in many European capitals and in Brussels. This is perfectly understandable because Russia is the most important external supplier of energy to the EU, and Ukraine is the country through which more than 50 per cent of Russian gas destined for the EU is shipped. The EU learnt earlier, in 2006 and 2009, how tensions in gas relations between Russia and Ukraine may influence the situation on the European gas market. This time, however, the EU is on course to change its energy policy and relations with Russia, in order to enhance its security and limit the possibility of energy blackmail.
Peacekeeping 4.0: Harnessing the potential of big data, social media, and cyber technologies