FN 70 år (FN70)
Norge utvikler anbefalinger og ideer til reform av FN til den nye generalsekretæren i prosjektet «FN70: En ny dagsorden»....
Good intentions, mixed results – A conflict sensitive unpacking of the EU comprehensive approach to conflict and crisis mechanisms (EUNPACK)
The EUNPACK project unpacks EU crisis response mechanisms, with the aim to increase their conflict sensitivity and efficiency....
Changing interdependencies and evolving policies in the Baltic Sea region
What's happening with the energy security in the Baltic Sea region?
Føderasjon uten føderalisme
Ny innsikt fra NUPI-forskers avhandling slår hull på myten om Putins Kreml som allmektig institusjon.
ASEAN as a regional foreign policy actor and norm-setter
How does ASEAN as a regional foreign policy actor influence wide-ranging topics like regional integration, migration, maritime security and security policy?
FN - elsket og uglesett
Hva har FN har vært, og hva bør FN være i det internasjonale samfunn? I det nye nummeret av Internasjonal Politikk presenterer både praktikere og forskere 70-årsjubilanten.
Issues of concern on the NPT Review Conference Agenda
Lite oppmuntrende om nedrustning
Macedonia and the international community
What has lead to the political scandals and democratic regression that has marred Macedonia over the last years?
Duty of Care: Protection of Citizens Abroad (DoC:PRO)
How can Norwegian society best be protected, when increasing numbers of citizens are found outside the borders of the state?...
Tensions in Asia: Understanding Japan’s Foreign Policy and Security Measures
What is Japan's perspective on the current situation of Asia as a whole?