Diplomacy as Global Governance
The chapter details how diplomacy - the case study being Norwegian diplomacy - is no longer solely about representing the state vis a vis other states. It has evolved to also include governing specific issues. This governance aspect of diplomacy becomes even more interesting as an expression of the transformation of diplomacy when we consider that what is being governed is not directly linked to the security of the state, but to ideals and principles that attain meaning as first and foremost "international" issues or goals. We find evidence of a gradual shift of diplomacy towards governing of international issues, and reflect on what this means for the presentation of the state vis a vis other states.
Ti år med økonomiske reformer på Cuba og vegen vidare
Kor vellykka har økonomiske reformer vore på Cuba? Og kva alternativ finst det?
Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic
Puzzled by how geographical changes in the Arctic might cause changes in state behavior the authors of this article have been inspired to return to the roots of geopolitical reasoning. By combining insights from the intellectual roots of the geopolitical tradition with empirical data on geographical changes as well as policy changes in the Arctic today, we investigate the degree to which geopolitics, in the sense of geography influencing politics, is still a useful approach in the discipline of International Relations (IR). In limiting our primary focus to the state level, and investigating the period since the turn of the millennium, this article seeks to develop new knowledge concerning if, how, and to what extent geography matters in international politics. Our empirical investigation indicates that geographical changes in the Arctic have indeed had an effect on power relations among several states. Overall, this article shows that geography is an important factor in IR in the sense of enabling or empowering state actors. However, while it appears that physical geography is a possible factor in the cases analyzed to explain changes in identified power potentials, it does not always account for these changes on its own. Economic, political, legal, and historical factors also play a role in the observed power shifts.
Europa etter Brexit
Korleis vil maktbalansen i Europa sjå ut etter at Storbritannia har forlate EU?
Russian foreign policy as an instrument for domestic mobilization
Despite numerous declarations, the Russian authorities have done very little about domestic reforms, such as economic modernization. By contrast, Russia’s external policy has been extremely active, and is extensively debated within Russia itself. On the surface, it may seem that the domestic agenda is fully suppressed by the external one. In reality, however, foreign policy plays an important instrumental role, as the main tool for achieving domestic consensus and mobilization. It is public approval of the country’s foreign policy, together with ‘Russia-friendly’ interpretations of international processes, that create openings for the political elite to postpone domestic reforms. Various strategies for domestic reforms have recently been elaborated on the order of the President – but there are no indications that they will be realized anytime soon.
Kina: Ny silkevei får blandet mottakelse i Europa
Europeere er betenkte over Kinas framgang, men ønsker mange bidrag velkommen.
A humanitarian mission in line with human rights? Assessing Sophia, the EU’s naval response to the migration crisis
This article adds to our understanding of the role of norms in the European Union’s (EU) response to the migration crisis by conducting a critical assessment of the EU’s anti-smuggling naval mission “Sophia”. Is Sophia in line with the normative standards the EU has set for itself in its foreign policies? Conducting the analysis in two steps in line with the main criteria of a humanitarian foreign policy model – first exploring Sophia’s launch and then assessing Sophia’s in theatre behaviour – findings suggest that although concerns for migrants at sea mobilised the initial launch of the mission, the mission is not conducted in line with key human rights principles. As the operation mandate is amended and updated with new tasks, and as the EU-NATO in theatre cooperation increases, the EU is moving further away from what one would expect of a humanitarian foreign policy actor.
Filippinane, ASEAN og klimaendringar
Kva oppnådde Filippinane då dei hadde formannskapet i ASEAN i 2017? Og kva utfordringar skaper klimaendringar for ASEAN-landa?
Vitenskap, teknologi og fremtidens krigføring
Hvordan er teknologi med på å endre hvordan vi ser på verden og hvordan vi skal handle i den?...
Kva har Brexit å seie for Norden?
Storbritannias avgjerd om å trekkje seg ut av EU i 2016 markerte eit skilje i historia om europeisk integrasjon. Kva betyr Brexit for dei nordiske landa?