NATO og Noreg i 70 år
NATO fyller 70 år og 1. april inviterer IFS og NUPI til diskusjon om sentrale tema i NATOs historie, og aktuelle utfordringar for Noreg i alliansen.
Participatory Democracy and Evidence-based Decision Making at the Local Level in Ukraine
Finding a European response to Huawei’s 5G ambitions
This policy brief suggests that European countries should institute national reviewing boards overseen by intelligence agencies to vet Huawei equipment. If that is not feasible due to a lack of resources or capabilities especially among smaller countries, European governments should consider pooling resources and create a common reviewing board. This would also prevent duplication of efforts on national levels. European authorities should also demand from Huawei to clearly separate its international from its domestic business operations in order to further reduce the risk to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of European mobile networks.
Islam Keeping Violent Jihadism at Bay in Times of Daesh: State Religious Institutions in Lebanon, Morocco and Saudi Arabia since 2013
Can official Islamic institutions play a role to curb Sunni jihadi violence? Most Arab governments have granted a role to such institutions in recent years. Yet, the cases of Lebanon, Morocco and Saudi Arabia exhibit considerable differences: Sunni religious institutions in Lebanon are weak and only have a domestic role, and face difficulties fulfilling this role. The corresponding institutions in Morocco and in Saudi Arabia, however, are powerful and also perform foreign policy roles through religious diplomacy. Mainstream Muslim scholars want to be recognised as allies in the global struggle against jihadi violence; they have common interests with Western and Arab governments in combating jihadi violence. However, in the current climate of government control over official religious institutions, they lack the popular legitimacy needed to fight against violent jihadism. Religious institutions cannot be efficient when used as tools by authoritarian Arab governments. Political subjugation of religious clerics is a major reason for the fragmentation of the religious field and a driver of radicalisation.
Podkast: Huawei - en risiko eller ikke?
NUPI og SimulaMet inviterte sikkerhetssjefen i Huawei Norge til debatt om cybersikkerhet.
Fem paradoks ved EUs kriserespons
Kva hindrer EU sine operasjoner frå å oppnå bedre resultater?
Podkast: Kan blokkjeder være redningen for journalistikken?
Det var hovedspørsmålet da Walid Al-Saqaf besøkte NUPI i februar.
Unpacking the EU's Integrated Approach to External Conflicts and Crises
Eit fireårig prosjekt går mot slutten, og 18-19. mars blir det sluttkonferanse for EUNPACK i Brussel.