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NUPI skole


Europa er i endring. Økonomiske krisetider, konflikter i regionens grenseområder, krig i Ukraina, og forskyvning av makt på den globale politiske arenaen preger verdensdelen.

EU dominerer som tema for NUPIs forskning om Europa. Økt samarbeid og utvikling av felles institusjoner i Europa, EUs utenriks- og forsvarspolitikk, NATOs rolle i Europa og EUs politikk overfor nabostater og tilgrensende regioner er viktige temaer. I tillegg står spørsmål om energiproduksjon i Europa og europeisk energisikkerhet sentralt. Europas særstilling i norsk utenrikspolitikk og verdensdelens rolle i den globale geopolitikken er også prioriterte områder for NUPI.

Free Trade Agreements and Globalisation. In the Shadow of Brexit and Trump. (E-book)

The book provides a comprehensive analysis of free trade agreements (FTAs); their number, content and impact. It examines trade and FTAs for the whole world, split into seven major regions. The book presents a new numerical model of world trade, with results from 110 countries and regions. The results shed light on the impact of FTA, as well as the growth of China and the value of trade in general. The book also contains analysis of the sub-regional impact of trade and trade policy for large nations. It also includes some teaching material.

  • Global økonomi
  • Handel
  • Europa
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Global økonomi
  • Handel
  • Europa
  • Nord-Amerika
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Ideologenes kamp

To innflytelsesrike ideologer – en russisk, en amerikansk – bygger høyreradikale nettverk i Europa. Selv om ideologien springer ut fra like kilder, har de ulike visjoner.

  • Diplomati
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • Diplomati
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner

Arctic Governance: Power in cross-border cooperation

This book seeks to pose and explore a question that sheds light on the contested but largelyl cooperative nature of Arctic governance in the post Cold-War period: how does power matter - and how has it mattered - in shaping cross-border cooperation and diplomacy in the Arctic? Each chapter functions as a window through which power relations in the Arctic are explored. Issues include how representing the Arctic region matters for securing preffered outcomes, how circumpolar cooperation is marked by regional hierarchies and how Arctic governance has become a global social site in its own right, replete with disciplining norms for steering diplomatic behaviour. This book draws upon Russia's role in the Arctic Council as an extended case study and examines how Arctic cross-border governance can be understood as a site of competition over the exercise of authority. The book was launched at the Stimson Center in Washington DC on 12 September 2018. Watch the launch seminar, Russia and Arctic Governance: Cooperation in Conflict, here: https://youtu.be/bQ0iKwUbims

  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Arktis
  • Hav
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Arktis
  • Hav
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner

ANALYSE: Polen mellom fortid, notid og framtid

2015 markerer eit viktig skilje i Polens nyare historie, skriv NUPI-forskar Jakub Godzimirski.

  • Europa
  • Styring
10:30 - 17:15
Litteraturhuset, Oslo
10:30 - 17:15
Litteraturhuset, Oslo
13. sep. 2018
10:30 - 17:15
Litteraturhuset, Oslo

Russlandskonferansen 2018: Kald fred i Arktis?

Korleis påverkar konflikten mellom Russland og Vesten situasjonen i Arktis? Bli med på NUPIs årlege russlandskonferanse 14. september der blant anna dette skal diskuterast.

Vitenskapelig artikkel

Withdrawal under article 50 TEU: an integration-friendly prosess

Article 50TEU acknowledges the right of Member States to withdraw from the EU, and contains a specific procedure. It also constitutes the legal basis of an exceptional EU competence whose purpose is to ensure that a Member’s departure is “orderly”. This qualification entails the conclusion of an agreement between the parties on the terms of the withdrawal, but also presupposes that the withdrawal does not undermine the integrity of the EU legal order, while contributing to the fulfilment of the Union’s integration objective. The unprecedented exercise of that competence has enriched the law of European integration: core components of the constitutional identity of the EU have been (re)affirmed, the role of its institutions bolstered, and Union membership law further articulated. Paradoxically, withdrawal may therefore be envisaged as an integration-friendly process.

  • Regional integrasjon
  • Europa
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU
  • Regional integrasjon
  • Europa
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Nye toner i norsk europapolitikk

Regjeringen varsler taktskifte for Norges EU-strategi. Det kommer til rett tid og med forfriskende begrunnelser.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • EU
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • EU
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Polen mellom fortid, notid og framtid

2015 markerer eit viktig skilje i Polens nyare historie. For fyrste gong etter den store politiske omveltinga i 1989 fekk landet ei rein fleirtalsregjering og ein president frå same politiske parti.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa

European security as practice: EU–NATO communities of practice in the making?

This book aims to show practice approaches at work in the fields of European diplomacy and security broadly conceived. It sets out to provide readers with a hands-on sense of where research on social practices and European diplomacy, security and foreign policy currently stands. The book reviews how practice approaches have evolved in International Relations (IR) and brings together an unique set of contributions which highlights how insights from practice approaches can be applied to advance research on a number of key issues in these fields. While the debate about practices in IR goes beyond the case of diplomacy, the latter has become a showcase for the former and this book continues the debate on practices and diplomacy by zooming in on the European Union. Examples of issues covered include the evolution of EU-NATO relations seen from the perspective of communities of practice, burden sharing as an anchoring practice for European states’ involvement in crisis management operations, the practical knowledge shaping the EU’s responses to the Arab Uprisings, agency as accomplished in and through EU counter-piracy practices and the political resistance to Israeli occupation and the non-official recognition of Palestine performed by EU diplomats. Thus, by focusing on specific practices and analytical mechanisms that contribute to understand the transformations of European diplomacy, security and foreign policy, this book provides essential readings to anyone interested in innovative ways to grasp the contemporary challenges that face the EU and its member states. The chapters originally published as a special issue of European Security.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • NATO
  • Diplomati
  • Europa
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • NATO
  • Diplomati
  • Europa
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU

KRONIKK: Nye toner i norsk europapolitikk

Til rett tid og med forfriskende begrunnelser, skriver Ulf Sverdrup i DN.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • EU
Bildet viser utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide og EUs utenrikssjef Federica Mogherini.
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