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NUPIs forskning på Afrika er mangfoldig. Spørsmål knyttet til sosial og økonomisk utvikling står sentralt.

Dette omfatter grunnleggende spørsmål om betingelsene for statsdannelse og demokrati, og konkrete studier av enkeltland og områder. Hvordan land på vei ut av konflikter kan unngå tilbakefall, og hvilken rolle internasjonale fredsoperasjoner spiller i slike sammenhenger, er også viktige temaer i NUPIs forskning. Her er særlig FNs og den Afrikanske Unions roller i Afrika viktig.

Skatteutfordring i afrikanske land

Skatt er nøkkelen til utvikling, men flere afrikanske land møter på utfordringer både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Hva slags løsninger finnes? Dette var blant spørsmålene diskutert blant ledende forskere under EADI-konferansen i Bergen. 

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Afrika
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
Travel gate i Nepal
2016 - 2018 (Avsluttet)

Political economy analyses

I dette prosjektet analyserer vi politisk økonomi for elleve land som er sentrale i Norges utviklingssamarbeid...

  • Development policy
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • South and Central America
  • Development policy
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • South and Central America
Hvor hender det?
Nigeria er Vest-Afrikas økonomiske stormakt, men oljerikdommen er en forbannelse for folket i Niger-deltaet.
  • Development policy
  • Africa
  • Climate
  • Energy
Hvor hender det?
Nigeria er Vest-Afrikas økonomiske stormakt, men oljerikdommen er en forbannelse for folket i Niger-deltaet.
  • Development policy
  • Africa
  • Climate
  • Energy

Mozambique: A Political Economy Analysis

This report uses a political economy analysis to shed light on some of the paradoxes that characterize Mozambique mid 2017: Entrenched poverty, the resuscitated armed conflict/war, the trust crisis between the Mozambican (Frelimo) government and its development partners, the spiralling debt and the party-state. Since 2017, Mozambique is arguably at one of its most critical moments since the end of the civil war, in a crisis-like cocktail of political, economic and social problems. By the time of writing, the Mozambican authorities only released the content of the Kroll report (an independent forensic audit of the ‘secret’ loans taken up in 2013) in summary form. Mozambique defaulted on its foreign debt in 2016, which has become unsustainable for the immediate future. The ‘secret’ loans explain a smaller part of the new debt, while heavy international and domestic borrowing and public spending after the discovery of large new mineral resources drove up the debt levels. The economy unhinged not by a full-blown resource curse, but rather by the mere prospect of large future income from the offshore LNG gas and coal, which we dubbed the “presource curse”.

  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Afrika
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Afrika

South Sudan: A Political Economy Analysis

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of South Sudan. A main argument is that its political economy is fundamentally atypical: achieving independence in 2011 and dissolving into renewed civil war in 2013, South Sudan is suffering the crisis of a weak, neo-patrimonial guerrilla government, with fragmented military-political systems that stretch across its extensive borderlands. This report locates the current crisis within a longer and deeper context, and explores the power dynamics and centrifugal destructive forces that drive patterns of extractive, violent governance. These forces underpin today’s economic and state collapse, civil war, famine, the flight of its people, and their local tactics of survival.

  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Afrika
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Afrika

Ny bok: Fremvoksende makter i sør kan endre fredsbygging fundamentalt

Hva er nytt og innovativ ved fredsinnsatsen til de fremvoksende maktene i det globale Sør?

  • Afrika
  • Asia
  • Sør- og Mellom-Amerika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN

Building Bridges for Success:Rethinking Peace Operations Training for Complex Environments

Witnessing the changes in armed conflict since the 1990s, several global political-level agendas have emerged, recognizing the growing human suffering from armed conflict and the long-term consequences on societies. These high-level agendas, such as Protection of Civilians (POC), Women, Peace and Security (WPS), and Children in Armed Conflict (CAAC), address crucial issues that fall under a broader human security approach, and are to be addressed by peace operations. As such, they have at an increasing rate been included in strategic level doctrine and policy. The three global UN peace and security reviews published in 2015 stress the need for a shift to more people-centered, inclusive processes, establishing better context awareness, and investing in cooperation with external counterparts significantly. If peace operations are to remain relevant and effective in achieving international peace and security, this needs to be taken into account. This shift within peace operations requires that the preparation and training of peacekeepers follow suit in order to meet the challenges faced in increasingly complex environments. This policy brief therefore advocates for the adoption of an integrated approach to peace operations training, putting greater emphasis on comprehensive, people-centered approaches and contextual analysis.

  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner

The evolving landscape of African insurgencies

Amid an array of shifting national, regional, and global forces, how have African insurgents managed to adapt and survive? And what differences and similarities can be found, both among the continent's diverse rebellions and guerrilla movements and between them and movements elsewhere in the world? Addressing these issues, the authors of Africa's Insurgents explore how new groups are emerging and existing ones changing in response to an evolving landscape

  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Opprørsgrupper
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Opprørsgrupper

Mali: Islam, arms and money

Amid an array of shifting national, regional, and global forces, how have African insurgents managed to adapt and survive? And what differences and similarities can be found, both among the continent's diverse rebellions and guerrilla movements and between them and movements elsewhere in the world? Addressing these issues, the authors of Africa's Insurgents explore how new groups are emerging and existing ones changing in response to an evolving landscape.

  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Opprørsgrupper
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Opprørsgrupper
341 - 350 av 596 oppføringer