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NUPIs forskning på Afrika er mangfoldig. Spørsmål knyttet til sosial og økonomisk utvikling står sentralt.

Dette omfatter grunnleggende spørsmål om betingelsene for statsdannelse og demokrati, og konkrete studier av enkeltland og områder. Hvordan land på vei ut av konflikter kan unngå tilbakefall, og hvilken rolle internasjonale fredsoperasjoner spiller i slike sammenhenger, er også viktige temaer i NUPIs forskning. Her er særlig FNs og den Afrikanske Unions roller i Afrika viktig.

Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in Mali

Until 2016 MINUSMA managed to strengthen stability in northern Mali, decreasing the number of civilians killed in the conflict, and allowing large numbers of displaced persons to return home. MINUSMA also assisted the peace process, culminating in the 2015 Algiers Agreement. Many of these achievements are still standing. However, since 2016 MINUSMA’s effectiveness in terms of stabilisation and the protection of civilians has decreased. In the North, the signatory parties have been making slow progress in the implementation of the Algiers Agreement and the 2018 Pact for Peace. In addition, central Mali has destabilised significantly, as Jihadist activities have stoked a vicious cycle of inter-communal violence that has reached unprecedented levels. MINUSMA has only been mandated to help the Malian government address the situation since June 2018. As one of the largest multidimensional peacekeeping operations – currently including nearly 13,000 soldiers and 1,800 police officers from 57 contributing countries, and almost 750 civilians – MINUSMA has been provided with significant resources and an extraordinarily ambitious mandate. However, the Mission finds itself at a crossroads. It needs time to succeed, but this is valuable time Mali does not have. Civilians have come under increasing attack, and the US, in particular, is losing interest in supporting a costly UN peace operation that is not able to deliver quick results. This report considers the degree to which there is an alignment between the mission’s resources and its mandate. It also makes an assessment of the options available to the Mission to increase its effectiveness in the face of extremely challenging circumstances.

  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Sårbare stater
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Sårbare stater
10:30 - 12:00
10:30 - 12:00
13. jan. 2020
10:30 - 12:00

Frukostseminar: Kina som utviklingsaktør i Afrika

Den kinesiske rolla som internasjonal utviklingsaktør veks. Kva ønskjer Kina å oppnå? Korleis responderer afrikanske aktørar, og kva er moglege implikasjonar for norsk utviklingspolitikk?

Viljar  Haavik

Viljar Haavik


Viljar Haavik er stipendiat tilknytta Forskingsgruppa for fred, konflikt og utvikling, som ein del av forskingsprosjektet Sårbare stater, statsbyg...

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies

Statsminister Abiy fortjener Nobelprisen, men kan han bevare freden?

KRONIKK: Etiopias statsminister Abiy Ahmed Ali er en verdig mottaker av Nobels fredspris, men det er usikkert om prisen hjelper ham på veien til fred mellom Etiopia og Eritrea.

  • Diplomati
  • Afrika
  • Konflikt
Hvor hender det?
Med Nobels fredspris til Abiy Ahmed, rettes søkelyset mot Etiopia og Eritrea. Hvorfor var landene i krig? Og er det virkelig fred nå?
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Nation-building
  • Insurgencies
  • AU
Hvor hender det?
Med Nobels fredspris til Abiy Ahmed, rettes søkelyset mot Etiopia og Eritrea. Hvorfor var landene i krig? Og er det virkelig fred nå?
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Nation-building
  • Insurgencies
  • AU
Bildet viser Kinas president Xi Jinping foran FN-logoen i 2015
2018 - 2019 (Avsluttet)

Kina og FNs bærekraftsmål (CHINSDG)

Hva er Kinas prioriteringer inn mot FNs 2030 bærekraftsagenda, og hvordan fremmer kinesiske aktører ulike interesser og muligheter for internasjonalt samarbeid?...

  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Climate
  • Human rights
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • AU
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Climate
  • Human rights
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • AU
Hvor hender det?
FN vil øke innsatsen for å avverge at borgerkriger bryter ut. Men hva skal til for å løse denne vanskelige oppgaven?
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies
  • United Nations
Hvor hender det?
FN vil øke innsatsen for å avverge at borgerkriger bryter ut. Men hva skal til for å løse denne vanskelige oppgaven?
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies
  • United Nations
Vitenskapelig artikkel

The GeGaLo index: Geopolitical gains and losses after energy transition

This article presents the GeGaLo index of geopolitical gains and losses that 156 countries may experience after a full-scale transition to renewable energy. The following indicators are considered for inclusion in the index: fossil fuel production, fossil fuel reserves, renewable energy resources, governance, and conflict. Some of these represent potential gains; some represent losses; and some the capacity of countries to handle changes in geopolitical strength. Five alternative versions of the index are developed to work out the optimal design. First, the energy resource indicators are combined with equal weights to create two simple versions of the index. Next, governance and conflict indicators are included to create three more complex versions of the index. The index provides useful pointers for strategic energy and foreign policy choices: geopolitical power will be more evenly distributed after an energy transition; Iceland will gain most; Russia may be one of the main holders of stranded geopolitical assets; China and the USA will lose more geopolitically than foreseen by other analyses. The index also indicates a lack of emphasis in parts of the literature on space for renewable energy infrastructure and on domestically sourced coal for the current strength of countries such as China and the United States.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Afrika
  • Asia
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Sør- og Mellom-Amerika
  • Arktis
  • Norden
  • Oseania
  • Konflikt
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Afrika
  • Asia
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Sør- og Mellom-Amerika
  • Arktis
  • Norden
  • Oseania
  • Konflikt
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
251 - 260 av 596 oppføringer