Prisvinnende artikkel om kvotering i indisk politikk
I går ble det klart at NUPIs seniorforsker Francesca R. Jensenius er vinneren av Chr. Michelsens pris for fremragende utviklingsforskning.
Public Administration Reform and Its Implications for Foreign Petroleum Companies in Kazakhstan
African Peace Operations: Trends and Future Scenarios, Conclusions and Recommendations
Adapting the African Standby Force to a Just-in-Time Readiness Model: Improved Alignment with the Emerging African Model of Peace Operations
The Future of African Peace Operations: From the Janjaweed to Boko Haram
Facing threats ranging from Islamist insurgencies to the Ebola pandemic, African regional actors are playing an increasingly vital role in safeguarding peace and stability across the continent. But while the African Union has demonstrated its ability to deploy forces on short notice and in difficult circumstances, the challenges posed by increasingly complex conflict zones have revealed a widening divide between the theory and practice of peacekeeping. With the AU's African Standby Force becoming fully operational in 2016, this timely and much-needed work argues that responding to these challenges will require a new and distinctively African model of peacekeeping, as well as a radical revision of the current African security framework. The first book to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of African peace operations, The Future of African Peace Operations gives a long overdue assessment of the ways which peacekeeping on the continent has evolved over the past decade. It will be a vital resource for policy makers, researchers and all those seeking solutions and insights into the immense security challenges which Africa is facing today.
Framtida for freden i Afrika
Afrika treng ikkje frelsarar, men partnerar, ifølgje Cedric de Coning og John Karlsrud ved NUPI. Dei har nyleg gitt ut boka 'The Future of African Peace Operations: From Janjaweed to Boko Haram'.
Konsortiumseminar: Presentasjon av boka "The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State"
Konsortium for forsking på terrorisme og internasjonal kriminalitet, i samarbeid med Senter for islam- og midtaustenstudiar (SIMS) ved Universitetet i Oslo har gleda av å invitere til seminar med William McCants, som presenterer den nye boka si, "The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State".