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Georgia elections: Georgian Dream still at the helm

Contrary to expectations that the election results would necessitate a new coalition government, the recent parliamentary elections in Georgia have secured a constitutional majority for the Georgian Dream. This is evidence that Georgia remains steadfast in its Euro-Atlantic course, as well as signalling growing political stability and a sustained commitment to reforms. However, concerns are rising over the new government’s super-majority and the recent introduction of constitutional amendments that could threaten the system of checks and balances. Upholding its democratic credentials will also depend on the government’s ability to preserve political pluralism, ensure the development of media freedoms, continue work towards a depoliticized judiciary, and move beyond its retributive style of governance. Moreover, enduring economic problems and the unresolved issue of the breakaway territories Abkhazia and South Ossetia, where local governments have been deepening their relations with Moscow, remain key challenges. These will all need to be addressed, at home and among Georgia’s Western partners, as the country continues to aspire to EU and NATO membership.

  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia

VIDEO: Forsker for et sikrere Europa

- Europa har behov for en mer konsekvent sikkerhetspolitikk, sier seniorforsker Nina Græger. Gjennom et utvekslingsprogram for nordiske forskere har hun fått mulighet til å jobbe med temaet i tett samarbeid med svenske kollegaer.

  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • NATO
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • EU
Bildet viser EUs flagg
10:00 - 11:30
10:00 - 11:30
6. des. 2016
10:00 - 11:30

Trump som president. Kva vil dette føre til i Asia-stillehavsregionen

Kva blir framtida for Asia-stillehavsregionen med ein isolasjonistisk utanrikspolitikk frå USA? På dette seminaret vil Marc Lanteigne presentere nokre ulike scenarium.


Kald krig eller åpent vindu?

Hvorfor skal vi være gode naboer og venner med Russland i nord, når vi er uvenner i sør? spurte Lars Georg Fordal i Barentssekretariatet da han åpnet for debatt på Litteraturhuset.

  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Russland og Eurasia
Bildet viser debatt på Litteraturhuset

SkattJakt-Konferansen 2016

Skatteparadis og utviklingsland – hvilke konsekvenser ser vi og hvordan begrense den stadig økende kapitalflukten fra utviklingsland? 21-22 november møttes ledende forskere og eksperter i Bergen for å diskutere disse problemstillingene samt presentere den nyeste forskningen. 

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Diplomati
  • Afrika
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Polen – fra europeisk suksesshistorie til Europas problembarn?

The article examines recent developments in Poland, focusing on the 2015 presidential and parliamentary elections, and their impact on the process of reshaping the political landscape in Poland and its relations with partners. Current developments are situated in the broader historical context, and the 2015 election results are analysed, followed by a discussion of the ongoing political processes. The article concludes with a review of old and new political divisions in the country and how these influence internal political developments and Poland’s relations with the outside world.

  • Europa
  • Styring
  • Europa
  • Styring
Vitenskapelig artikkel

European security in practice: EU-NATO communities in-the-making?

European security is at a critical juncture and many have called for a more coherent and efficient response, involving both the EU and NATO. However, the primary tool for EU–NATO cooperation, “Berlin Plus”, has been stuck in a political quagmire since the mid-2000s, making a lot of scholars to conclude that this cooperation is obsolete and outdated. This article is challenging this view by analysing a range of informal but regular interaction patterns that have emerged. Using practice theory, it sheds new light on and explores how EU and NATO staff at all levels engage in informal practices on various sites in headquarters in Brussels and in field operations. A study of EU–NATO cooperation as practice focuses on the everyday, patterned production of security as well as what makes action possible, such as (tacit) practical knowledge and shared “background” knowledge (education, training, and experience). The article also discusses the extent to which shared repertoires of practice may evolve into loose communities of practice that cut across organisational and professional boundaries.

  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • NATO
  • Europa
  • Konflikt
  • EU
  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • NATO
  • Europa
  • Konflikt
  • EU

Mission support for African peace operations

  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner

Food Price Differences Across Indian States. Patterns and Determinants.

The paper examines food price differences across Indian states during 2004-2014 using food consumer prices from household surveys and wholesale/retail prices for selected goods. At the individual product level there are large price differences across states, with prices doubling or trebling across India for a typical case, but with considerable variation across products. Price dispersion is much lower for food on average; measured at this level price dispersion between Indian states is considerably lower than between countries within the same income range, and Indian states are slightly more integrated than countries in Western Europe. At the product level, the most important determinants of price differences across states are limited access to supply from other states, and the extent of own production in the state. Richer states have higher consumer prices, but this income-price link is weaker for wholesale prices. Food price dispersion within India has decreased during the period studied. For policy, the results suggest that India should eliminate obstacles to inter-state trade in order to promote food security and the real income of its citizens. The magnitude and importance of price level differences also suggest that better price level data should be provided in the future, to facilitate further study of India’s regional development.

  • Handel
  • Asia
  • Handel
  • Asia
Hvor hender det?
Hvem intervenerte Vesten i Midtøsten for - seg selv eller folkene i Midtøsten? Og med hvilket resultat?
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • NATO
  • Development policy
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Energy
  • Governance
2001 - 2010 av 3078 oppføringer