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Sino-Russia Strategic Alignment and Potential Impact of a Trump Presidency

Rarely has any issue been more polarising than the assessment of Sino-Russia relations in recent years. Analysts and observers are either convinced of another emerging Sino-Russia alliance against the West, or dismissive of any meaningful, sustainable strategic relationship between the two while citing their ‘peril of proximity’, painful historical record and the strategic distrust. Neither description accurately reflects the nature of Sino-Russia relations under the Xi Jinping administration in China. In the past three years, China and Russia have forged new foundations for a third option- a strategic alignment primarily based upon a shared sense of vulnerability and threat perceptions regarding their external environment. This is largely the result of the heightened confrontation both China and Russia have encountered vis-à-vis the United States due to their assertive foreign policy in the Western Pacific and in East Europe, (especially in Ukraine), respectively. Furthermore, the personality and preferences of the Chinese top leader and the general public have also played an important role in constructing the strategic alignment as well.

  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Legitimering gjennom (selektiv) felles fortid: russisk bruk av historie i Ukraina-konflikten

How has Russia used history to justify its actions in the conflict in Ukraine? Through an analysis of official statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as speeches and remarks by Putin, this article argues that history has played an important but varying role in official rhetoric. With Crimea, the emphasis was on the ‘sanctity’ of the territory for Russian Orthodox identity, drawing on history dating back to the baptism of Prince Vladimir in 10th century AC. The shared past of the two states has not been as central in official Russian policy justification regarding Ukraine outside Crimea: the ‘brotherhood’ of the two nations has been noted repeatedly, but usually secondary to arguments pertaining to economic and political interests. The two world wars have been used as a cautionary tale, with Russia effectively seeking to delegitimize the new Ukrainian government by evoking carefully selected elements of its past. Finally, the author looks at the use of international precedence as a form of justification, turning the history of Western – US in particular – actions back on Russia’s critics. The official usage of history is placed within broader strategies of legitimation, as it is not enough to study propaganda and manipulation strategies as part of information warfare to explain how the Kremlin achieves support for its policies. The ‘thick’ historical narratives of Crimea play on elements linked to issues of national identity, making it difficult to dispute using the type of counter-propaganda and rebuttal of disinformation proposed by some.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Diplomati
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Konflikt
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Diplomati
  • Europa
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Konflikt

Norges innsats i skattejakten

Ny rapport vurderer Norges innsats mot skatteunndragelse: på god vei innenfor flere områder, men får strykkarakter for skatteavtaler. –  Flere av Norges skatteavtaler er skadelige for utviklingsland, sier rapporten.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Handel
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Afrika
  • Asia
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
Vitenskapelig artikkel

The Arctic and a Trump Administration Yet to Come

How may the Trump administration affect the Arctic? This is the topic for Elana Wilson Rowe's High North News commentary.

  • Nord-Amerika
  • Arktis
  • Energi
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Arktis
  • Energi
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Local perceptions of corporate social responsibility for Arctic petroleum in the Barents region

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is promoted and critiqued by many players involved in or opposed to petroleum exploration and extraction, although a common understanding of CSR’s theoretical and practical meanings rarely exists. This paper uses Arctic petroleum in the Barents region (Norway and Russia) to investigate local perceptions of CSR. We conducted open-ended, semi-structured interviews in four locations: Hammerfest, Murmansk, Komi Republic, and Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO). Interviewees included the local population, regional and local authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and petroleum company representatives. The field research suggests that those who gain directly from the petroleum industry and do not directly experience negative impacts were more inclined to be positive about the industry, although overall, general support for petroleum activity was high. In some cases, positive economic benefits resulted in greater tolerance of environmental risk. Sometimes, the industry and government were criticised by locals for failing to support a more equitable distribution of broader economic benefits. Rather than splitting along for-profit/NGO or indigenous/non-indigenous lines, our analysis suggests that those who are closer to the petroleum industry or its benefits, termed ‘insiders’, tend to be more positive than ‘outsiders’. This study is perhaps the first of its kind in its focus on local perceptions of CSR for Arctic petroleum across the Barents region. The findings of this study not only match with that of the previous literature on Arctic petroleum but also provide further practical and theoretical insights by indicating subtleties and nuances within the localities examined. (Published: November 2016)

  • Arktis
  • Energi
  • Arktis
  • Energi
10:00 - 12:30
10:00 - 12:30
8. jan. 2017
10:00 - 12:30

Syria-konflikten: Stormaktspolitikk og humanitære konsekvensar

Over 400 000 menneske er drepne i Syria-konflikten. Fleire enn 11 millionar har måtta forlate heimane sine. Dette NUPI-seminaret vil sjå på Syria-konflikten frå ulike perspektiv - frå geopolitiske krefter til humanitære konsekvensar og synspunkt frå syrarar som flykta frå krigen.


Hvorfor feilet Vesten i Syria?

Fordømmelser er forblitt tomme ord, og motsies av Vestens ambivalens overfor Assad, skriver Tine Gade.

  • Europa
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Konflikt
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU
  • FN

The Arctic in Moscow

Urban areas in Arctic Russia are experiencing unprecedented social and ecological change. This collection outlines the key challenges that city managers will face in navigating this shifting political, economic, social, and environmental terrain. In particular, the volume examines how energy production drives a boom-bust cycle in the Arctic economy, explores how migrants from Muslim cultures are reshaping the social fabric of northern cities, and provides a detailed analysis of climate change and its impact on urban and industrial infrastructure.

  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Arktis
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Arktis

TTIP and Norway: Impact and trade policy options

This study analyzes TTIP, its implications for Norway and Norway’s trade policy choices. TTIP will hardly be concluded under Obama's presidency, but the agreement could become a reality within a few years. TTIP aims at comprehensive cooperation in the regulatory area. In the short term there will be limited harmonization of standards but regulatory cooperation between different systems. In the long term, the goal is stronger cooperation in the regulatory area. TTIP will from what we know not lead to a lowering of European health regulations or a "race to the bottom". If TTIP is realized and Norway remains outside, the EEA Agreement will be little affected and the overall economic impact is moderate. If Norway joins TTIP, there will be a significant real income gain, with estimates ranging from 2236 to 6772 NOK per capita in the various scenarios. There is considerable variation across sectors. With Norway outside TTIP there will be a moderate negative impact for a majority of the sectors, especially some manufacturing sectors that face tougher competition in the EU and USA export markets. The oil industry will benefit from increased demand and higher prices. If Norway joins TTIP, a clear majority of industries will benefit; especially business services and a number of other service industries. The public sector gains from TTIP, mainly due to cheaper inputs. TTIP will contribute to the dismantling of import protection for Norwegian agriculture and without compensating measures, production and employment will be reduced. TTIP will still allow some import protection and this margin of maneuver, which depends on future negotiations, is important for the outcome. With a larger margin of manoeuvre and unchanged budgetarty support, most of Norway’s agriculture can be maintained. With less margin of manoeuvre, it will be more challenging. Norwegian accession to TTIP may occur in the form of a standard trade agreement in which Norway or EFTA are formally equal to the EU and the United States. Alternatively, Norway may participate in a European pillar as in today's "Open Skies" agreement on air traffic. If TTIP succeeds in establishing comprehensive regulatory cooperation, the latter solution is most likely. Such a solution implies that Norway will become more closely integrated with the European Union also in trade policy towards third countries. Norwegian entry into TTIP implies that we have to accept the established rules and negotiate bilaterally with the EU and the USA on market access. The negotiations with the USA will apply to all aspects of market access, while negotiations with the EU will apply only to areas in which the EEA agreement is not already deeper. The negotiations with the EU for TTIP entry will thus include, among other issues, tariffs for seafood and agriculture. As an alternative to membership in TTIP, Norway or EFTA may initiate a trade agreement with the USA. Such an agreement would likely be less extensive in the regulatory area. Such an agreement will also provide an economic gain for Norway, but less than accession to TTIP. For Norway as a whole, accession to TTIP creates a real income gain between 12.5 and 35 billion NOK according to various scenarios, while a free trade agreement with the United States results in a gain of about 7.4 billion NOK. TTIP also includes negotiations on so-called Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), whereby foreign-owned companies can sue a state if they are unfairly or inappropriately treated. Such rights also exist in national law but international tribunals have to some extent extended the interpretation of what is considered unfair. The European Union has proposed a solution in TTIP with a permanent court as well as rules that discipline the interpretation of the principles, and thus avoids that ISDS unduly interferes into the states’ "right to regulate". This and many other issues are analysed in this report and six background papers.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Handel
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Globalisering
  • Regional integrasjon
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Nord-Amerika
  • EU
  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Handel
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Globalisering
  • Regional integrasjon
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Nord-Amerika
  • EU

Islam og Europa

Årets siste nummer av Internasjonal Politikk er ute og åpent tilgjengelig, med en høyaktuell fokusspalte.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Styring
1981 - 1990 av 3078 oppføringer