Energy Transition and Central Asia
The OSCE Academy, NUPI and EUCAM are happy to welcome you to an open workshop on new research on critical minerals in the Central Asia, and what role such minerals play in the energy transition.
The Russia Conference 2022: The Russian economy, energy sector and climate change: What now?
At this year's Russia conference, we will take a closer look at the implications of the war in Ukraine for Russia's economy and energy sector.
Breakfast seminar: Constructing China’s Belt and Road amidst Pandemic and War
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is evolving, but the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine are stirring questions about its paths. Are the original Chinese visions and ambitions still intact and how are construction projects and overall plans affected?
PODCAST: Can Europe get out of Russian gas?
Green finance in the Global South – can it help combat climate change and aid sustainable development?
How can climate investments contribute to fight climate change and at the same time create just and sustainable development?
Book talk: Roadblock politics – The origin of Violence in Central Africa
Join us for a journey into the heart of Africa as Peer Schouten paints a captivating picture of the importance of roadblocks in his new book.
Anna Eriksen Rio
Anna Eriksen Rio is a Research Fellow at NUPI working on the project Public-Private Development Interfaces in Ethiopia (DEVINT). Her PhD project f...
Kina balanserer på en tynn line
Kronikk om Kinas balansegang knyttet til krigen i Ukraina.
Norge som mål for utenlandske investeringer: Trender og forklaringer
Utenlandske investeringer er en viktig del av økonomien i mange land. Det gjelder også Norge, hvor utenlandskontrollerte foretak sysselsetter 21 prosent av arbeidstakerne i privat næringsliv. Samtidig vet vi at strømmene av investeringer internasjonalt er i endring, med vekst i aktiviteten fra stater som tidligere har investert lite utenlands. Det gjelder spesielt Kina, men også India, Russland og noen andre ikke-tradisjonelle investorland. I denne artikkelen studerer vi hvordan Norges posisjon som destinasjon for investeringer endrer seg. Vi diskuterer utviklingen i lys av etablerte teorier innen samfunnsøkonomi og statsvitenskap.