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Defence and security

What are the central questions related to defence and security?

Mekanismer for screening av utenlandske investeringer. Oversikt over et utvalg land

Etter tusenårsskiftet har åpne økonomier i økende takt satt i gang prosesser for å vurdere risikoen av utenlandsinvesteringer. Bakgrunnen for dette er økende grad av investeringer fra mindre transparente økonomier, frykt for svekket konkurranse blant internasjonale aktører, samt teknologiske endringer som kan gjøre stater mer utsatte. Dette har blant annet fått EU til å vedta en regulering som etablerer et rammeverk for screeningmekanismer (Regulation (EU) 2019/452). Utviklingen de seneste årene - og særlig i løpet av COVID-19 pandemien - er at slike mekanismer ekspanderer, blir mer detaljerte og permanente, og omfatter større deler av økonomien, med lavere terskelkriterier og dermed et økende antall transaksjoner som screenes.

  • Security policy
  • International investments
  • Security policy
  • International investments
Two Norwegian soldiers patrol the Russian Border
Research project
2020 - 2023 (Ongoing)

Norway as an in-between for Russia: Ambivalent space, hybrid measures

This three-year project addresses the acutely relevant question of whether Norway is acquiring the precarious status of an ‘in-between’ state in the Kremlin’s eye after the watershed events of 2014 (A...

  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Nordic countries
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Nordic countries
Scientific article

Using satellite data and machine learning to study conflict-induced environmental and socioeconomic destruction in data-poor conflict areas: The ca...

This paper studies socioeconomic and environmental changes in the neighboring areas Bangladesh-Myanmar border from 2012 to 2019, thus covering the period before and after the 2017 Rakhine conflict in Myanmar and outflux of refugees across the border to Bangladesh. Given the scarcity and costliness of traditional data collection methods in such conflict areas, the paper uses a novel methodological model based on very-high-resolution satellite imagery, nighttime satellite imagery, and machine-learning algorithms to generate reliable and reusable data for comparative assessment of the impacts of the Rakhine conflict. Assessments of welfare and environmental risks using this approach can be accurate and scalable across different regions and times when other data are unavailable. Key findings are: the general livelihood situation has worsened and income sources shrunk in Rakhine; forced migration damaged the ecologically fragile regions in the two countries; the destruction of aquaculture wetland ecosystems is observed in Rakhine; the deforestation rate reached 20% in Rakhine and 13% on the Bangladeshi side of the border. The results can provide guidance to policymakers and international actors as they work to repatriate the victims of the conflict in Rakhine and minimize the conflict’s security and environmental consequences. The methodology can be applied to other data-poor conflict and refugee areas in the world.

  • Security policy
  • Development policy
  • Asia
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Migration
  • Climate
  • Security policy
  • Development policy
  • Asia
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Migration
  • Climate
New research
New research

What affects Nordic defence cooperation?

We have lacked good tools for analysing security cooperation in medium-sized regions such as the Nordic areas, according to Karsten Friis (NUPI). His most recent article offers a solution. 

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • The Nordic countries

Bastionforsvaret og Russlands militærmakt, Et utdatert trusselbilde?

Russlands potensielle etablering av Bastionforsvaret er forankret i inneværende langtidsplan (LTP) som Forsvarets dimensjonerende scenario for en eventuell stormaktskonflikt. Kombinasjonen av våpenteknologisk utvikling og den russiske militærmaktens vesentlige reduksjon siden konseptet ble utviklet har imidlertid medført en manglende evne, og tilsynelatende vilje, til å implementere og opprettholde dets omfattende forsvarssoner. En diskusjon om Bastionforsvarets fortsatte relevans for norsk forsvars- og strukturplanlegging er dermed på overtid.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Russia and Eurasia

New study shows 95% South Sudanese depend on climate sensitive livelihood

The collaborative project undertaken by the Norwegian institute of international affairs, is aimed at achieving UN climate agenda. The institute has been conducting its research for close to ten years and it will complete its mandate in 2023. Lead researcher on the South Sudan fact sheet, Dr Andrew E. Yaw Tchie says they have identified livelihood decline, migration and mobility, military and armed actors and political and economic exploitation as pathways negatively affecting climate, Peace and Security.

  • Security policy
  • Climate
  • United Nations
  • Security policy
  • Climate
  • United Nations
17:00 - 18:30
Microsoft Teams
17:00 - 18:30
Microsoft Teams
21. Apr 2021
17:00 - 18:30
Microsoft Teams

Children in Violent Extremist Organizations

Terrorist organizations, like ISIS, Hamas and the Taliban have exploited children for years. This seminar takes a closer look at the different ways in which these groups recruit and deploy children.

Scientific article

Analyzing Security Subregions: Forces of Push, Pull, and Resistance in Nordic Defense Cooperation

How can we best analyze security subregions? The most commonly used theory of regional security in the discipline of international relations, the regional security complex theory, focuses on large regions, such as Europe, Asia, or the Middle East. It pays less attention to smaller regions within these. This is unfortunate, because the security dynamics of these subregions often are a result of more than their place in the larger region. At the same time, the security of subregions cannot be reduced to a function of the policies of the states comprising them either. In short, security subregions are a level of analysis in their own right, with their own material, ideational, economic, and political dynamics. To capture and understand this, we need an analytical framework that can be applied to security regions irrespective of where and when in time they occur. The aim of this article is to offer such an analytical framework that helps us theorize the forces forging regional security cooperation, by combining external push and pull forces with internal forces of pull and resistance. The utility of the framework is illustrated through the case of Nordic security cooperation. It allows for a systematic mapping of the driving forces behind it and the negative forces resisting it. The Nordic region thus becomes a meeting point between global and national forces, pushing and pulling in different directions, with Nordic Defense Cooperation being formed in the squeeze between them.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • The Nordic countries
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • The Nordic countries

A Governance and Risk Inventory for a Changing Arctic

In this chapter, Elana Wilson Rowe, Ulf Sverdrup, Karsten Friis, Geir Hønneland, and Mike Sfraga caution against viewing trends of conflict and cooperation in the Arctic in binary terms. While the US and Europe are determined to confront malign activity in the region, all sides continue to “demonstrate a commitment to cooperation and joint solutions to common challenges.” After reviewing the key factors and drivers supporting and challenging stability in the Arctic, the authors remind us that “cooperation in conflict” has long been the norm in the region, allowing cooperative governance to progress despite the enduring NATO-Russia military rivalry. Ongoing dialogue in the region – essential for addressing the regional and global implications of climate change – is poorly served by focussing on “narratives or practices of strategic competition alone.” To avoid “political tipping points” beyond which cooperation will become too difficult, the authors call on policymakers to be more proactive in how they address emerging governance challenges related to security and economic development.

  • Security policy
  • Diplomacy
  • The Arctic
  • Oceans
  • Security policy
  • Diplomacy
  • The Arctic
  • Oceans

Translating Mandates into Policy and Practice: Emerging lessons from operationalizing climate-related security risks in peace operations

IPI, NUPI and SIPRI co-host webinar on Climate-related Security Risks.

  • Security policy
  • Peace operations
  • Climate
421 - 430 of 1308 items