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Defence and security

What are the central questions related to defence and security?

Damage Limitation and Decline in Institutional Powers: Russia’s Perception of the EU as a Security Actor 1999–2002

The report will discuss whether or not Russian interest and endorsement of the EU’s security and defense dimension repeated the overall strategic perspective of the Primakov doctrine, which aimed at counterbalancing US unipolarism by playing on the differences between the US and Europe in international affairs. I ask this question since analysts are not equivocal to this end. Some suggest that “Primakov’s fall from power has not undercut the importance of multipolarity in Russian foreign policy. By analyzing perceptions, I seek to highlight the dominating trends in the discourse on the EU in Russia. This involves a broad orientation with regard to sources. Russia has engaged in a comprehensive debate on relating to the EU and NATO within the field of security, and the report draws on vast material from the security debate within research circles and official speeches and newspaper reports. Perceptions will be linked to the interpretive approaches of damage limitation or declining institutional powers. A definition of these two approaches will be given below.

  • Security policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The EU

From territorial defence to comprehensive security? European integration and the changing Norwegian and Swedish security identities

This paper analyses the relationship between the European integration process and the recent changes in the Norwegian and the Swedish national security identities. The aim of the paper is to compare developments in the Norwegian and the Swedish security identities in the 1990s and to evaluate the extent and scope of Europeanisation in the two cases. The fact that both Norway and Sweden had very traditional security discourses at the beginning of the 1990s and that it is possible to detect shifts away from this traditionalism in parallel with the development towards a European security dimension should prove that a Europeanisation has indeed occurred. While several researchers have studied the influence of the EU on national institutions and policies, less attention has been given to the Europeanisation of national security identities. This paper is therefore an attempt to fill this gap. The fact that Sweden has become a member of the EU while Norway has not also makes these two countries good cases for examining the extent and scope of their respective Europeanisation.

  • Security policy
  • Security policy

Hegemonens hamskifte : Bush, 11. september og amerikansk utenrikspolitikk

  • Security policy
  • North America
  • Security policy
  • North America

The Europeanisation of Norway's Security Identity

In this working paper Pernille Rieker looks into the relationship between the European integration process and changes in Norway’s national security identity. Has the dominant national discourse on security changed since the early 1990s? If so, how are these changes related to the recent acceleration of the European integration process? And to what extent are such European influences on national security identities related to formal membership in the EU? While there is reason to believe that a Europeanisation of national security policies has taken place, the question is whether we may speak of a profound change in identity, or merely an instrumental adaptation to external changes. Several researchers have studied the influence of this participation on national institutions and policies; less attention, however, has been given to the Europeanisation of Norway’s security identity. This paper is an attempt to fill this gap.

  • Security policy
  • Security policy
  • Security policy
  • North America

Forsvar og identitet: de norske friskusverdiene

(This article is in Norwegian): Dette kapitlet diskuterer forholdet mellom norsk nasjonal identitet og norsk forsvarspolitikk. Det argumenteres for at forsvarets legitimitet etter 2. verdenskrig har hvilt på et sett uuttalte verdier som var sentrale i ettertidens tolkning av, og fortellinger om, krigen i Norge. Disse krigsmytenes styrke ligger i deres fremstilling av historien i avpolitiserte og «naturlige» former. Mytene fremhever et sett verdier som ikke kan relativiseres, og som regnes som evige i norsk kultur. De er dermed sentrale verdier i norsk identitet generelt. Derfor har de vært viktige i ettertidens tolkning og legitimering av motstandskampen under krigen, men også for oppbygningen av det moderne forsvaret i Norge. Teoretisk forsøker artikkelen å vise det konstruktivistiske poenget at alt sosialt er historisk betinget. Det finnes intet essensielt, universelt og evig gitt i det sosiale. Selv de mest inngrodde «sannheter» har en historie, og er i stadig endring selv om vi ikke merker det. Imidlertid er nettopp en tilsynelatende inngrodd «sannhet» et eksempel på hvordan makten fungerer i moderne samfunn; den skaper og begrenser politiske handlingsrom.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy

Security, integration and identity change

In this working paper Pernille Rieker attempts to contribute to a better understanding of both how the EU functions as a security system and what kind of impact the integration process has on national security identities. While security has always been the main reason behind the integration process, security and integration have usually been studied separately. Integration specialists have given more attention to economy than to security, and security experts have studied traditional security institutions and overlooked the EU. Rieker attempts to combine these two theoretical traditions by drawing on a combination of recent work on security communities and international socialisation. While the development in the Nordic countries will be used as brief examples in the final part of the paper, a more detailed analysis of these countries’ security identities will follow in a forthcoming study.

  • Security policy
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • The EU
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