Becoming Banal: Incentivizing and Monopolizing the Nation in Russia
Associate Professor Paul Goode will give a talk about how nationalism becomes a banal fact of everyday life in his analysis of Post-Soviet Russia.
Reyting gotovnosti k peremenam: Sposobny li rossiyskiye neftyanye kompanii adaptirovatsya k novym realiyam mirovykh energeticheskikh rynkov
Are Russian oil companies capable of adapting to the new realities of world energy markets?
Russia and the European Human Rights System
There is a change in Russia's approach to the European Convention on Human Rights. What are the prospects for Russian participation in this system?
International Development Assistance. Policy Drivers and Performance
This book provides a comprehensive search for the basic political drivers of international development cooperation, based on the policy and performance of the OECD countries from the early 1960s to the present. The author focuses on the stated and implemented policies of the so-called frontrunners and the Western hegemon, scrutinizing the changing trends in the justifications, objectives and guidelines set for the policy and their evolving performance vis-à-vis the stated policy and the international ODA target. Yhrough extensive research, the work examines predominant world-views, societal value systems and foreign policy traditions in order to find the policy drivers that vary nation to nation and how development assistance has evolved globally.
David Petraeus visits NUPI
NUPI had the pleasure of hosting David H. Petraeus on 30. September. The four-star General (Ret) and former director of CIA shared his insights and prognosis for the geopolitical landscape ahead at the event entitled “Global Security Threats and Western Responses”.
Konflikt i cyberspace – Internasjonalt trusselbilde og mottiltak
The presentation discussed various kinds of cyber risks, cyberconflict in international relations, and implications for Norway
Konflikt i cyberspace – Internasjonalt trusselbilde og mottiltak
The presentation discussed various kinds of cyber risks, cyberconflict in international relations, and implications for Norway.
Digital sikkerhet
The presentation discussed various kinds of cyber risks, cyberconflict in international relations, and implications for Norway.
Debatt om ny e-lov i Menneskerettighetsuka
I regi av Menneskerettighetsuka i Oslo arrangererte Amnesty Jus Oslo en debatt om forslaget til den nye etterretningstjenesteloven.