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Scientific article

Spaces and Institutional Logics in Post-Conflict Settings of Mitrovica

Spaces structure interactions between communities in post-conflict settings. They are governed by particular institutional logics, which can foster boundary building and boundary transgression. This article proposes an extended version of the concept of ‘everyday peace’ including a focus not only on micro-level individual actorness in social interactions but also on an important meso- level dimension in the analysis of social behaviour and variation in institutional logics governing spaces where social interactions take place. We apply these concepts to the study of perceptions and practices around bridges in Mitrovica in Kosovo.

  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
Scientific article

Det haster med ny etterretningslov

Norway needs a new law on foreign intelligence

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Intelligence
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Intelligence

Female Peacekeepers and Operational Effectiveness in UN Peace Operations.

More women are needed in UN peace operations, both on the grounds of equality and performance. March 2020 survey data and empirical evidence from the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) highlight the importance of greater gender parity in UN peace operations for missions to successfully achieve their mandated tasks, stressing also the impact of context-specific obstacles and how the absence of enabling and supportive systems means that neither male nor female peacekeepers can perform at their best. Survey findings also point to the risk that the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda – including gender equality in peacekeeping operations – may be treated as a second-tier concern if set against other pressing issues. In the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic and an evolving global recession– this risk is intensified. A continued political and financial commitment to increasing numbers is a prerequisite for achieving greater gender parity and equality. However, in terms of discourse, we need to move beyond having to prove the added value of female participation, which places an extra burden on those concerned.

  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Pandemics
  • Human rights
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Pandemics
  • Human rights
  • International organizations
  • United Nations

Unity in Goals, Diversity in Means - and the discourse on female peacekeepers in UN peace operations.

Gender parity at all levels in the UN, as a means towards gender equality, is a two-decades old commitment, reflecting core values as old as the UN itself. Despite this, progress on increasing the number of female peacekeepers has been slow and uneven, particularly in uniformed roles – but also in peace processes. This is due to a number of reasons, but in particular a lack of political will, financing and accountability, and resistance to gender equality. We argue that a paradigm shift is needed, both on performance diversity grounds but also on normative equality grounds. To implement already agreed upon benchmarks and resolutions, the UN and its member states need to focus more on the operational value of diversity in fulfilling the tasks at hand, both for national security forces and in peace operations. Gender should be considered a central component in this required diversity. In the current situation where we witness a pushback on support to women’s rights; ensuring diversity should not only be considered a key priority, but also a national and international security imperative.

  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Pandemics
  • Human rights
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Pandemics
  • Human rights
  • International organizations
  • United Nations

The spiralling effects of the Sino-American trade war

Almost two years ago, China and the United States instigated a trade conflict which has had serious international effects, a situation since exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. What has truly made a solution to this conflict elusive, however, is that its origins lie well beyond questions of trade deficits and fair competition, and are instead based on the looming question of a power transition between to the two states. The effects of this divergence are beginning to be observed in several economic realms, including the financial and the technological. Many other actors in the global economy have begun to experience the side effects of this completion, and may now have to face difficult choices about how to balance between these two emerging poles in the current fragile global economy.

  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Asia
  • North America
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Asia
  • North America

Biowar next? Security implications of the coronavirus

In this Strategic Update, Karsten Friis investigates the pandemic's potential consequences for the world, its armed forces, the integration of Europe, US-China relations, as well as the concept and practice of 'war' more broadly. Although much remains uncertain, the disruptions which are beginning to emerge demand a reckoning with a changed world -- and world order.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Europe
  • Pandemics
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Europe
  • Pandemics

Åpen høring i Stortingets utenriks- og forsvarskomité torsdag 28. mai 2020

Karsten Friis and Vegard Valther Hansen participated to an open hearing in the Parliament about the proposed new law on the intelligence service.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Cyber
  • Intelligence
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Cyber
  • Intelligence
16:00 - 17:30
16:00 - 17:30
9. Jun 2020
16:00 - 17:30

WEBINAR: Security implications of AI and other emerging technologies

NUPI’s Cybersecurity Centre has the pleasure to invite to a webinar with Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli, who will talk about how the technological development creates new global security challenges.

14:00 - 15:15
14:00 - 15:15
7. Jun 2020
14:00 - 15:15

WEBINAR: Covid-19 and Norwegian development policy

Minister of International Development Dag-Inge Ulstein, Professor Andy Sumner and Director for Forum for Development and Environment, Kathrine Sund-Henriksen, will discuss what implications the pandemic has for developing countries, and what this means for international and Norwegian development policy.

Research project
2019 - 2021 (Completed)

Critical infrastructure protection and communication thereof: the case of the Baltic states and Norway (CIICPP)

The project aims to ordinarily explain importance of critical infrastructure to societies of Baltic states and Norway....

  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Europe
  • Energy
  • Governance
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Europe
  • Energy
  • Governance
  • The EU
1281 - 1290 of 3794 items