Hands-on Arctic: making space for two thoughts at a time
How does the Arctic fit into the picture of a two-zone terrain of Russian foreign policy? asks senior research fellow Elana Wilson Rowe in her High North News comment.
Consortium Seminar: The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State
Consortium for Research on Terrorism and International Crime, in co-operation with Centre for Islamic and Middle East Studies (CIMS), University of Oslo, are pleased to invite you to a seminar with William McCants, who will present his new book "The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State".
Energy security in Northern Europe and the Baltic region
As an input to the EU’s work with their new EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy, NUPI and EUISS organized a roundtable session on energy security in Northern Europe and the Baltic region on February 11.
Expert meeting: Europe, the EU and security
In connection with the Ministry of Foreign Affair’s project “Norwegian foreign and security policy – the options ahead”, which will lead to a white paper in spring 2017, NUPI is in cooperation with the MFA organizing a series of expert meetings on relevant topics during spring/early summer 2016. The main purpose of the meetings is to give academic input to the project.
Cooperation between the OSCE Academy and NUPI
The project consists of a wide range of activities including capacity-building of the OSCE Academy as a regional meeting point for research and education, support for two MA programmes in Politics and...
Best practices in EU crisis response and policy implementation
This report has two aims. First, to take stock of how the Europen External Action Sercvice (EEAS) and the Commission have institutionalized lessons-learned mechanism. Second, to discuss the extent to which these mechanisms and practices incorporate the EU’s ambitions for a ‘conflict-sensitive’ and ‘comprehensive’ crisis-response approach. In this sense, this report will serve as a point of departure for case-study research to be undertaken within the framework of Work Packages 5–7 of the EUNPACK project, on whether there is a gap between policy and practice with regard to institutional learning.
Chinese New Year
China-Europe Joint Ventures Come to the Forefront.
Read Senior Research Fellow at NUPI Marc Lanteigne’s op-ed on the topic here.
NATO’s response to the new European security environment: Firm deterrence or symbolic posturing?
Are the reforms and initiatives that were decided at the 2014 NATO Wales Summit being implemented as planned? This is the topic for this NUPI seminar, the first in a series of three concerning NATO.
Nord Stream 2: policy dilemmas and the future of EU gas market
The Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas pipeline project is one of the most controversial issues in EU gas-related debates today. Its proponents hold that the project is driven by purely commercial considerations, while opponents label it as political and contradictory to EU goals and rules. The project has also contributed to raising several questions concerning the role of commercial actors in the shaping and realization of the EU energy policy as well as the impact on EU internal cohesion and relations with Ukraine and Russia. Realization of NS2 may boost the role of Russian gas in the European energy mix, especially in northwestern Europe; however, it could also undermine the credibility of the common EU energy policy, which aims, at least formally, at diversification of supply routes and suppliers as a joint and coordinated response to the energy-security challenges faced by the EU as a whole and by its member states. This Policy Brief sheds light on the current state of the debate on this project and examines the possible short-, mid- and long-term implications.