The crises in the Middle East, Pakistan and Islam
How does the debate on Islam affect politics in Pakistan?
China’s Modern Global Relations
How will China's current foreign relations be affected as the country becomes more comfortable with its great power status? This is one of the questions Senior Research Fellow at NUPI, Marc Lanteigne, asks in the book Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction, which was released in December.
The Russo–Ukraine crisis and the role of EU
In this seminar, we will present the results from the research project “The Russo–Ukraine crisis and the role of EU”. This research has focused on the role of EU in the Ukraine conflict and the implications for Norway.
Young research talent at NUPI
Gender-discriminatiory legislation is on the research agenda of NUPI’s Francesca R. Jensenius for the next four years. The funding comes from a prestigious FRIPRO award.
Prestigious funding to NUPI
NUPI has been awarded prestigious TOPPFORSK project funding to study how states cope with challenges in the field of power and geo-politics.