Projects & centers
NUPI's research projects, research programmes, and research centres.
Europe in transition – Small states and Europe in an age of global shifts (EUNOR)
What is the significance of the EU for small states in Europe today?...
The Russo–Ukraine crisis and the role of the EU: implications for Norway
The Ukrainian crisis has become the most pressing security-policy issue in Europe....
Russian oil and gas: Institutional adaptation or resistance? (RusChange)
The Russian petroleum industry is facing alarming trends. Upstream, decreasing size of discoveries and a falling recovery rate challenges Russia's ability to maintain its petroleum production....
United Nations peace operations review (UNPOR )
In October 2014 the UN Secretary-General appointed the High-Level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations. The Panel is reviewing developments in peacekeeping and special political missions over the ...
Security in Serbia (BCSP )
The Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BSCP) is a key actor in the security-policy discourse in Serbia and has developed a constructive and critical approach to the on-going reform of the security s...
Countering Hybrid Warfare (Multinational Capability Development Campaign) (MCDC (CHW))
NUPI leads an international project on how to counter hybrid warfare....
Peace Capacities Network: Peace Operations, Civilian Capacity and Security Sector Reform in a Changing World Order (PeaceCap )
The Peace Capacities Network explore how rising powers influence peace operations, security sector reform and civilian capacities...
Undermining Hegemony. The US, China, Russia, and International Public Goods
Developments in the last fifteen years have driven renewed interest in hegemonic-stability and power-transition theory. The persistence of US-centered primacy during the 1990s produced new arguments f...
Training for Peace 2011 - 2019 (TfP)
The Training for Peace Programme (TfP Programme) is an international programme that contributes towards capacity building within the broader ambit of peace operations in Africa....
Equinor – NUPI Political and Security Risk Forum
Equinor – NUPI Political and Security Risk Forum is a collaboration between Equnor and NUPI to strengthen Equinor’s Norwegian-based knowledge hub in the field of political risk and security threat ana...