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NUPI skole

Research Project

Security in Serbia

The Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BSCP) is a key actor in the security-policy discourse in Serbia and has developed a constructive and critical approach to the on-going reform of the security sector.


  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict

The Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BSCP) is a key actor in the security-policy discourse in Serbia and has developed a constructive and critical approach to the on-going reform of the security sector. It is also a driving force in the regional network of seven similar organizations which, joined in a Western Balkan Security Think Tank Consortium, combine theoretical and practical research with the aim of achieving regional policy influence and change. NUPI has cooperated with the BCSP for many years.

The current project has two parts: The first is a study into the evolution of the security sector in Serbia: motivations to advance the reform as well as resistances to it. To this end, BCSP staff will design public opinion surveys, as well as conduct interviews and analysis. NUPI will contribute with scientific expertise and continue to host guest researchers from BCSP; offer courses for students of security studies in Belgrade  and travel grants to international conferences.

The second part is in its essence a capacity-building effort directed to the deployment of civilian personnel from the Western Balkan countries in multilateral peace support operations (UN, EU, OSCE and NATO). BCSP, its regional partner organizations and NUPI will support this process by first undertaking a baseline study of capacities available for such operations in each country. Based on these findings we will proceed in up to three countries with: strengthening the knowledge of relevant stakeholders and supporting the ability of the authorities to roster, train and deploy civilian capacities.

The aim is to support on-going policy processes in relevant countries as well as to strengthen the capacity of the regional non-governmental organizations that will be involved.

Project Manager

Karsten Friis
Research Professor


John Karlsrud
Research Professor, Head of the Research group on Peace, Conflict and Development