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NUPI skole


Norwegian Centre for Geopolitics


  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Cyber
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • International investments
  • Globalisation
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • North America
  • South and Central America
  • The Arctic
  • The Nordic countries
  • Oceania
  • Conflict
  • Nation-building
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Oceans
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • United Nations

Head of Center for Geopolitics

Ole Jacob Sending
Research Professor, Head of Center for Geopolitics


The Centre will strengthen knowledge about international power relations and the positions of the major powers, and how this affects Norway's interests and politics.

The world is in a period of sharp intensification of political and economic rivalry. Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine is an expression of this, but political and economic tensions between the US and China have also increased. The rivalry now takes place under different conditions than in previous historical periods. There is a different distribution of power and geographical focal points, intertwined global investments and trade relations, several institutional players and rapid technological changes.

The rivalry will have a strong impact on Norway. Therefore, we must prepare foreign policy responses and strategies based on new forms of geopolitical analysis.

The Centre will be led by NUPI's Ole Jacob Sending and is a partnership with the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway and the University of Oslo.

Together, the Centre combines country-specific expertise on USA, China, the EU and Russia, regional expertise on the Arctic, Asia, Africa, Europe and America, and expertise on key themes such as security, multilateralism, growth and innovation, and energy and sustainability.




  • PODKAST: How to Become a Hegemon with Daniel Nexon and Ole Jacob Sending:



Understanding Xi Jinping’s China

Over a year into Xi Jinping’s historic third five-year term as President, China continues to make headlines worldwide. Many of these headlines now suggest not only that China’s rise is slowing down but that it is only increasing in controversial terms vis-a-vis the West.
  • Foreign policy
  • Asia
Xi Jinping foran ungdom i juni 2024_169_WorldStage Foto NTB.png

Master's course: China - Features of a New Geopolitical Power

This spring semester, the Geopolitics Centre's first MA course, "China - Features of a New Geopolitical Power" was held at the University of Oslo (UiO).
  • Asia
Domus Media on Karl Johans Gate
New research
New research

Government allocates NOK 45 million to Geopolitics Research Centre led by NUPI

The Centre will specifically examine the rivalry among major powers like China, Russia, the USA, and regional centres of power. The generated research will significantly aid Norwegian foreign and security policy decisions.
  • Defence and security
  • Security policy
  • Global economy
  • Globalisation
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia
  • North America
  • Global governance
  • Governance

New publications

Policy brief

Utenrikspolitikkens mål er å gjøre innenrikspolitikken mulig

This policy brief is in Norwegian only.

  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • International investments
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Asia
  • Conflict
Forside Bekken.png
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • International investments
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Asia
  • Conflict


  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Cyber
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • International investments
  • Globalisation
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • North America
  • South and Central America
  • The Arctic
  • The Nordic countries
  • Oceania
  • Conflict
  • Nation-building
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Oceans
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • United Nations

Head of Center for Geopolitics

Ole Jacob Sending
Research Professor, Head of Center for Geopolitics
