Minoo Koefoed
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Minoo Koefoed has a PhD in Peace and Development Research from the School of Global Studies at Gothenburg University in Sweden, with a research project on political mobilisation and civil resistance among the Kurdish minority in Turkey. She works as a Senior Research Fellow at the Climate, Peace and Security Risks (CPSR) project in the Peace, Conflict and Development research group at NUPI. Before she started at NUPI, she worked as an international programme advisor for Norwegian People's Aid following up long-term civil society programmes in Myanmar, Cambodia, Iraq and Rwanda.
2018 PhD in Peace and Development Research, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University, Sweden
Work Experience
2023- Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
2019-2023 International Programme Advisor, Norwegian People's Aid (NPA)
Clear all filtersTrailblazers in a Warming World? The Agency of African Actors in Climate, Peace, and Security
A growing body of evidence indicates how climate change can, combined with other factors, increase the risk of violent conflict. Such claims have particularly been made in African contexts. This article studies the agency exerted by African actors in shaping international agendas on climate, peace, and security in the cases of (1) the UN Security Council, (2) The African Union and (3) COP27. The analysis shows how this engagement has included diplomacy, discursive innovation, epistemic engagement, and policy coordination. We argue that the continent’s growing geopolitical centrality is enabling African actors to exert a nonaligned foreign policy on their own terms.
NUPI to provide research support to Denmark in the UN Security Council
Climate, peace and security in the US and beyond
Climate, peace and security in the US and beyond
How can policy and discourses in climate, peace and security be compared across widely different contexts? How is climate change tackled as a pote...
Climate, Peace and Security in the Central African Republic
Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Central African Republic
Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Central African Republic
The Central African Republic (CAR) is highly exposed to the impacts of climate change due to socioecological vulnerabilities and ongoing insecurity. Drivers of vulnerability include the absence of state authority, natural resource mismanagement, and low household and community resilience. Although the security situation has improved in recent years, it remains volatile; factions of the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC), self-defence groups and bandits regularly clash with government forces, allies and mercenaries such as the Wagner Group (now Africa Corps) in rural areas. A changing climate and the deteriorating security situation in the Sahel and the Great Lakes region have driven transhumant pastoralists further into CAR earlier in the transhumance season, creating tensions. Additionally, the spillover effects of the war in Sudan have put added pressure on the humanitarian situation in CAR, particularly in the Vakaga and Haute-Kotto prefectures.
Climate, Peace and Security in DRC
Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is faced with a confluence of climate change, environmental degradation, resource exploitation and conflict dynamics that is exacerbating insecurity in the country. The dual impact of climate change and the global green energy transition risks deepening divisions over resource management and fostering intercommunal conflict over resources such as land and water. Climate related security risks threaten to undermine human security through increased livelihood and food insecurity and changing patterns of transhumance.