Gabriella Kristine Kattil Bolstad
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Gabriella Kristine Bolstad was a Junior Research Fellow in NUPI’s Research Group on Security and Defence. Additionally, Bolstad worked in the Consortium for Research on Terrorism and International Crime.
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NATO is considered the most important institution in the transatlantic security relationship. Its history is marked by continuity, resilience, and deliberate adaptation to an ever-changing and more complex security environment. This chapter seeks to assess some of the key historical turning points to shed light on how NATO has managed to remain relevant throughout all these years, and in particular how have the recent turbulent years in Washington D.C. and the renewed tensions with Russia have impacted the organisation. We will argue that a combination of strong US engagement and leadership with a broadly shared threat perception among Allies (primarily towards Russia) is the combination that continues to make NATO a significant embodiment of transatlantic security relations.
NATO and the Invasion, One Year On
Next year will mark 75 years since NATO was founded in 1949. The Atlantic alliance has faced many challenges over seven decades, but Russia’s war of conquest in Ukraine might be its biggest test yet.
NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept – Change, Continuity and Implications
NUPI seminar about NATO and nordic security
Rakner det transatlantiske forholdet mellom USA og Europa?
NATO's new strategic concept.
Kan utenlandske forskere bli en trussel mot vår sikkerhet?
About international research collaboration and security.
Når oppdrettslaksen utkonkurrerer norske demokratiske verdier
About Norwegian-Chinese sports cooperation.
The Consortium for Research on Terrorism and International Crime in 2021
Scandinavia as an arena for Chinese economic statecraft
China's utilisation of economic statecraft as a foreign policy tool challenges the accustomed distinction between Norwegian business policies, and Norwegian security policy. This opens for a nove...