Espen Mathy
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Espen Mathy was a Research Fellow in the Research Group on Security and Defense in 2021 and 2022.
Clear all filtersAngst i Athen: En forskerspires frykt for å feile
Møt Claudia Aanonsen, doktorgradsstipendiat ved NUPI, som for første gang skal delta på en internasjonal forskerkonferanse. Hun gruer seg, og er e...
The Strategic Direction of the United States in an Era of Competition
Since President Joe Biden’s entry in the Oval Office in January 2021, his Administration has issued several national strategies. These documents are important for understanding the strategic direction of the United States. In the realm of security and defense, two stand out: the National Security Strategy (NSS) and the National Defense Strategy (NDS). Also the National Strategy for the Arctic Region (NSAR) has a strong security dimension. Security considerations of smaller states like Norway are far from detached from the strategic approaches of major powers. Understanding US strategy and doctrine is thus vital for policy makers crafting Norwegian security policy. This Policy Brief reviews US thinking on strategic competition, with a particular focus on technology, the Arctic, and implications for Norway.
Gruppepress – fungerer det?
Can Norway contribute to an effective peer pressure through commitment to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)? Espen Mathy argues that peer pressure might push other countries to commit, however only in the cases where commitment does not imply a reduction in national security.
Norges debatt om kinesiske investeringer: Fra velvillig til varsom
The debate in Norway regarding security concerns related to Chinese investments has seen a notable change in character over a short period of time. From a situation where there was little discernible debate at all, and where negative coverage of Chinese investment flows were mainly concerned with working environment issues, Chinese capital flows to Norway have now also become part of the debate on national security. Two particularities make the case of Norway especially interesting with regards to the broader Nordic debates over the issues discussed in this Fokus section. The Norwegian economy has been particularly well placed to benefit from the extraordinary Chinese economic growth, but Norway has also been in a particularly problematic political position towards China over the last decade. The contrast between these two factors has been a structuring trait of the Norwegian China debate. Nevertheless, the Norwegian public debate on China has been relatively positive over a long period of time. This has been given impetus by the positive experiences reported from the Norwegian enterprises that have been the target of Chinese acquisitions. However, lately, the public debate has increasingly come to regard the issue also through a political and security-related lens. This changing character is not due to specific events concerning Chinese activities in Norway, as much as being a reflection of broader regional and global trends. The question of Huawei’s role in the coming construction of the 5G network has been a particularly important driver in this regard, as well as conductive link to the international change in opinion.
Science, technology and warfare of the future
How does technology help to change how we percieve the world and how to act in it?...