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How states manage international censure: Norway's response to criticism of its Child Welfare Services

Skrevet av

Kristin Haugevik
Forskningssjef, Forsker 1
Cecilie Basberg Neumann



When states are criticised, they normally recognise, reject or counter the critique. Yet they could listen to and contain criticism without directly rejecting or recognising it. Using criticism of Norway’s Child Welfare Services as an example, Kristin Haugevik and Cecilie Basberg Neumann show that diplomatic containment can prevent conflict accelerating and then damaging bilateral relations
  • Published year: 2021
  • Page count: 1
  • Language: Engelsk
  • Journal: The Loop
  • URL 1: https://theloop.ecpr.eu/norways-response-to-criticism-of-its-child-welfare-services-reveals-a-fourth-way-for-states-to-manage-international-censure/
  • URL 3:


  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Norden

Skrevet av

Kristin Haugevik
Forskningssjef, Forsker 1
Cecilie Basberg Neumann