Globalisation and Diplomacy
Skrevet av
Iver B. Neumann
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Globalisation is shorthand for changes in space, time and the relationship between them. This paper, which will be forthcoming as a chapter in a book edited by Andrew Cooper and published by the United Nations University Press, argues that changes in deterritorialisation will not have thoroughgoing effects for diplomacy. A change in time, notably the change to zero lag-time in information flows, is, on the other hand, of key importance. So is the increase in the sheer mass and density of communication. If transcending boundaries is the essence of globalisation, then it stands to reason that state diplomats must sooner or later take cognizance of the other kinds of polities that exist within the system.
- Published year: 2007
- Full version: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2395766
- Publisher: NUPI
- Page count: 18
- Language: Engelsk
- Booklet: 724
Skrevet av
Iver B. Neumann
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