Evaluation of Fadcanic's teacher training program in Nicaragua's Southern autonomous region of the Atlantic Coast
Skrevet av
Axel Borchgrevink
Anníbal Ramírez Rodrígues
Since 1997, FADCANIC has been implementing a training program for unqualified teachers working in primary schools of Nicaragua’s Southern autonomous region of the Atlantic Coast. SAIH, the Norwegian NGO that has been funding this program, has commissioned the present evaluation. It concludes that the program has had a significant impact in terms of improving education in the region through addressing one of the most urgent needs of the educational sector, namely teacher qualifications. However, the evaluation also points out a number of other limitations for the sector, including lack of resources for materials, physical infrastructure and reasonable teacher salaries, as well as general social problems of the region. It recommends that the program is continued, and that even greater emphasis is put upon creating a teacher education appropriate to the multilingual and -cultural reality.
- Published year: 2003
- Full version: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2394635
- Publisher: NUPI
- Page count: 55
- Language: Engelsk
- Booklet: 654
Skrevet av
Axel Borchgrevink
Anníbal Ramírez Rodrígues