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Cyber Security Capacity Building in Developing Countries: challenges and Opportunities

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Lilly Pijnenburg Muller
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Cyberspace is an intrinsic part of the development of any country. A strong cyber capacity is crucial for states to progress and develop in economic, political and social spheres.

The need to integrate cyber capacity building and development policies has been documented by both the cyber community, academia and policy makers. The investment in securing cyberspace affects the success rate of other policy initiatives as well. However, there is a clear need for a deeper dialogue with the development community and recipient countries in order to better understand how to implement cyber capacities in practice in order to achieve broader development goals.

To stimulate the debate on cyber capacity building and its impacton social and economic development worldwide this brief puts forward challenges to implementation. The aim is to set priorities and identify indicators of success and failure. To steer this process a better overview of initiatives and avoid duplication, it is necessary to set up the challenges that both the donors and recipients face. By doing this we move cyber capacity building one step closer to successful implementation.


  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Cyber
  • Utviklingspolitikk

Skrevet av

Lilly Pijnenburg Muller
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