Consequences of integrating foreign policy and development policy
Skrevet av
Joachim Nahem
Tidligere ansatt
Ole Jacob Sending
Forsker 1, leder for Senter for Geopolitikk
There has in recent years been a clear trend among OECD countries to integrate their development and foreign policies. This paper has two parts. Part one reviews how some key donor countries have approached such integration, and examines what we know about their
effects on the overall coherence and effectiveness of development and foreign policy. The working paper finds that there is a clear knowledge gap on the consequences of integrating development and foreign policy.
effects on the overall coherence and effectiveness of development and foreign policy. The working paper finds that there is a clear knowledge gap on the consequences of integrating development and foreign policy.
- Published year: 2017
- Full version: https://www.norad.no/globalassets/filer-2015/evaluering/working-paper---consequences-of-integrating-foreign-policy-and-development-policy.pdf
- Publisher: Norad
- Page count: 15
- Language: Engelsk
Skrevet av
Joachim Nahem
Tidligere ansatt
Ole Jacob Sending
Forsker 1, leder for Senter for Geopolitikk