Åsmund Weltzien
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Åsmund Weltzien er kommunikasjonssjef på NUPI. Han har hovedfag i sosialantropologi fra Universitetet i Oslo, og har tidligere jobbet som forsker og forskningsleder i Telenor R&D og som diplomat og saksbehandler i Utenriksdepartementet.
Weltzien jobber for å fremme NUPIs forskning til et bredt publikum og til brukerne av forskningen vår. Han er spesielt opptatt av å bidra til at NUPIs forskere skaper sosial og vitenskapelig impact, å forbedre vår digitale kommunikasjon gjennom utvikling og eksperimentering, og å bygge nettverk blant fagpersoner, brukere og interessenter der kunnskap og innsikt deles på tvers av institusjoner og sektorer.
I Telenor var Weltziens egen forskning fokusert på utviklingen av nye digitale teknologier og hvordan informasjon og påvirkning spres i sosiale nettverk. I Utenriksdepartementet har han jobbet med ulike felt som norsk klimapolitikk, sikkerhetspolitikk, og europapolitikk. Fra 2011 var Weltzien en del av UDs Refleksprosjekt, som skulle bidra til utvikling av utenrikspolitikken gjennom offentlig debatt om sentrale utenrikspolitiske temaer.
Weltzien har vært kommunikasjonssjef på NUPI siden 2013.
Tøm alle filtreThe next big European project? The migration and asylum crisis: a vital challenge for the EU
The summer of 2015 may well be remembered as a turning point in the history of both migration to Europe and European integration. There was a further rise in mixed inflows of migrants and refugees, with a diversification of the routes employed – in particular, a surge in transits across the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Balkans. Secondly,the already dynamic map of political reactions and policy responses entered a phase of hectic and deep change, due primarily to a major shift in the position of Germany.
How Do Little Frogs Fly? Small States in the European Union
Small EU member states need to exploit the special characteristics of their small public administrations in order to secure their interests and have influence within the Union. They must develop an administrative competence based on features like informality, flexibility, and the autonomy of officials operating according to guidelines rather than fixed negotiating instructions. They also need to acknowledge their limitations, and set priorities to a much greater extent than the large states. A strategy based on these features, combined with a positive image and political willingness, can bring negotiating success within the EU’s decision-making processes.
Reality check for the EU: The stand-off with Russia challenges the European Union in its fundaments
Russia’s military attacks in Ukraine are not only an assault on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of one of the European Union’s largest neighbours. They also impose multiple important challenges to the European Union (EU). Moscow has questioned the architecture, rules and institutions of the European post-Cold War security order and forces the EU to reconsider its external policies, particularly in its Eastern neighbourhood. Reactions of EU member governments, of certain political parties and media have exposed the EU’s vulnerability to Russian influence, which risks undermining the EU’s ability to forge an impactful approach to Russia and the EU’s eastern neighborhood.
Effect of NTM on Productivity of Firms in Food Processing
This paper is written with financial support by Non-tarif barriers, food safety and international food trade joint project of Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), University of Life Sciences and Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) funded by the Research Council of Norway (Contract no. 216742/O10).
Transatlantic Governance in Food Trade: Dispute settlement and equivalence as trade-facilitating tools
Non-tariff measures, exporting,and productivity: evidence from microdata in food processing industry
This paper is written with financial support by Non-tari barriers, food safety and international food trade joint project of Norwegian Institute of international Affairs (NUPI), University of Life Sciences and Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) funded by the Research Council of Norway (Contract no. 216742/O10).
Effect of non-tariff measures on extensive and intensive margins of export in seafood trade
This paper is written with financial support by “Non-tariff barriers, food safety and international food trade” joint project of Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), University of Life Sciences and Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) funded by the Research Council of Norway (Contract no. 216742/O10).