Kristin Haugevik
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Kristin Haugevik er forsker 1 og forskningssjef på NUPI. Haugevik har doktorgrad i statsvitenskap fra Universitetet i Oslo (2014). På NUPI jobber hun særlig med internasjonalt diplomati, mellomstatlig samarbeid, europeiske og transatlantiske relasjoner og norsk, nordisk og britisk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk.
Utvalgte vitenskapelige publikasjoner:
- 2024: From the incoming editors: A leading International Relations journal with a Nordic touch. Cooperation and Conflict, 59 (2), ss. 131-134 (m/ Benjamin de Carvalho, Paul Beaumont & Øyvind Svendsen).
- 2024: Friendship in World Politics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press.
- 2023: On Safer Ground? The emergence and evolution of ‘Global Britain’, International Affairs, 99 (6), ss. 2387–2404 (m/ Øyvind Svendsen).
- 2022: United clubs of Europe: Informal differentiation and the social ordering of intra-EU diplomacy. Cooperation and Conflict (Online First).
- 2021: Reputation Crisis Management and the State: Theorising Containment as Diplomatic Mode (m/Cecilie Basberg Neumann). European Journal of International Relations, 27 (3), 708-729.
- 2020: The Nordic Balance Revisited: Differentiation and the Foreign Policy Repertoires of the Nordic States (m/Ole Jacob Sending). Politics and Governance, 8 (4), 441-450.
- 2020: Staten, barnevernet og utenrikspolitikken. Fra indre anliggende til internasjonal konfliktsone (m/Cecilie Basberg Neumann) Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 37 (1), 5-18.
- 2019: Kith, kin and inter-state relations: International politics as family life. I Haugevik, Kristin & Iver B. Neumann (Eds) Kinship in International Relations. Routledge.
- 2019: Kinship in International Relations: Introduction and framework. I Haugevik, Kristin & Iver B. Neumann (Eds) Kinship in International Relations. Routledge (m/Iver B. Neumann & Jon Harald Sande Lie)
- 2018: Special Relationships in World Politics: Inter-State Friendship and Diplomacy After the Second World War (monografi). Routledge.
- 2018: Parental Child Abduction and the State: Identity, Diplomacy and the Duty of Care, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 13, 1-21.
- 2017: Diplomacy through the back door: Norway and the bilateral route to EU decision-making. Global Affairs, 3(3), 277-291.
- 2017: Autonomy or integration? Small-state responses to a changing European security landscape. Global Affairs, 3(3), 211-221 (med Pernille Rieker).
Fullstending publikasjonsliste her.
2023 Professorkompetanse, NUPI
2014 PhD, statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo
2005 Master, statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo
2024 - Forskningssjef, NUPI
2023 - Forsker 1, NUPI
2023 - Redaktør, Cooperation and Conflict
2018-2022 Forskningsgruppeleder, NUPI
2014-2024 Seniorforsker, NUPI
2012-2016 Redaktør, Tidsskriftet Internasjonal Politikk
2006 - 2014 Forsker/doktorgradsstipendiat, NUPI
2005 Vitenskapelig assistent, NUPI
2005 Praktikant, Norges ambassade i Washington D.C.
Tøm alle filtreTo look or not to look to Norway? Brexit and the tales of Norwegian outsidership
Duty of Care: Protection of Citizens Abroad (DoC:PRO)
How can Norwegian society best be protected, when increasing numbers of citizens are found outside the borders of the state?...
Evaluating Power Political Repertoires (EPOS)
EPOS har som mål å skape et systematisk problemskifte i hvordan maktpolitikk studeres ved å flytte det analytiske fokuset fra statenes maktressurser og verdenspolitikkens systematiske evner, til de fa...
Europe in transition – Small states and Europe in an age of global shifts (EUNOR)
Hvilken betydning har EU for små stater i dagens Europa?...
Status, small states, and Significant Others: Re-reading Norway’s attraction to Britain in the twentieth century
How relationships become special. Inter-state friendship and diplomacy after the Second World War