Cedric H. de Coning
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Cedric de Coning er forsker I i Forskningsgruppen for fred, konflikt og utvikling på NUPI.
Han leder NUPIs Senter for FN og global styring og Klima, fred og sikkerhets-prosjektet. Han leder også Effectiveness of Peace Operations-nettverket (EPON), og bidrar til Training for Peace-programmet, FNs Fredsoperasjoner prosjekt (UNPO), m.m. Cedric er også seniorrådgiver for fredsbevaring og fredsbygging for ACCORD. Cedric tvitrer på @CedricdeConing.
Cedric har 20 års erfaring innen forskning, policyrådgivning, utvikling og utdanning innen konfliktløsning, fredsbevaring, fredsbygging og freds- og konfliktstudier. Cedric har doktorgrad i Applied Ethics fra University of Stellenbosch og mastergrad (cum laude) i konflikthåndtering og fredsstudier fra University of KwaZulu-Natal.
2012 PhD, Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy, University of Stellenbosch
2005 M.A., Conflict Management and Peace Studies, University of KwaZula-Natal
2020- Forsker I, NUPI 2012-2020 Seniorforsker, NUPI
2006-2012 Forsker, NUPI
2002- Seniorrådgiver (konsulent), ACCORD
2002 Opplæringsrådgiver, FNs avdeling for fredsbevarende operasjoner (DPKO)
2001-2002 Politisk rådgiver, FNs spesialutsendings kontor (Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, SRSG), FNs overgangsmyndighet i Øst-Timor (UNTAET)
1999-2001 Civil Affairs Officer for FNs overgangsmyndighet i Øst-Timor (UNTAET)
2000 Assisterende direktør, ACCORD
1997-1999 Leder for ACCORDs fredsbevaringprogram
1988-1997 Sør-Afrikas utenriksdepartement
Tøm alle filtrePreparing and Mobilizing Civilian Capacity for the Future. Recommendations for Implementing the Guéhenno Report
Training in Vain? Bottlenecks in Deploying Civilians for UN Peacekeeping
UN peacekeeping missions suffer from cumbersome recruitment processes, high vacancy rates and a shortage of civilian staff. This article explores the bottlenecks hampering the recruitment and deployment of trained personnel, especially civilians. Paradoxically, an increased number of trained personnel has not translated into higher deployment rates. Individual factors and structural bottlenecks together accounted for half of the nondeployments. Of the latter, the informal nature of the UN’s recruitment system and the central role played by personal contacts stands out. The article makes the case for an improved link between the recruitment architecture of the UN and its training programmes, and a significant overhaul of the UN recruitment architecture per se. Unless the UN and international training programmes address this paradox, the risk of training in vain will remain.
Mission-Wide Strategies for the Protection of Civilians: A Comparison of MONUC, UNAMID and UNMIS
Conference Proceedings: Report of the Conference on Peacekeeping Vision 2015 Capabilities for Future Mandates
Clarity, Coherence and Context - Three Priorities for Sustainable Peacebuilding
Conference Proceedings. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Peacebuilding: Towards Change in Concepts and Approaches
Beyond the ‘New Horizon’ - Proceedings from the UN Peacekeeping Future Challenges Seminar Geneva, 23–24 June 2010