India and globalisation: Regional disparities, industrial development and inclusive growth (INGRID)
Prosjektet skal bidra til økt samarbeid mellom forskere i Norge og India og fokuserer på de sosial konsekvensene av globalisering....
Slums, states and citizens: Policing, welfare services and political participation among the urban poor in New Delhi, Nairobi and Durban
Prosjektet vil forsøke øke kunnskapen om hvilke begrensninger og muligheter man har i arbeidet med å bedre forholdene for de fattige i urbane strøk. ...
Security Sector Reform: a New Framework for Security Assistance? The Security-Development Nexus' Impact on Policies Towards the South
Security and development
Since 9/11 ideas of security have focused in part on the development of ungovernable spaces. Important debates are now being had over the nature, impacts, and outcomes of the numerous policy statements made by northern governments, NGOs, and international institutions that view the merging of security with development as both unproblematic and progressive. This volume addresses this new security–development nexus and investigates internal institutional logics, as well as the operation of policy, its dangers, resistances and complicity with other local and national social processes. Drawing on detailed ethnography, the contributors offer new vantage points to understand the workings of multiple, intersecting, and conflicting power structures, which whilst local, are tied to non-local systems and operate across time. This volume is a necessary critique and extension of key themes integral to the security– development nexus debate, highlighting the importance of a situated and substantive understanding of human security.
Summary Report. Norwegian Standby Roster for Civilian Observers (NOROBS) - The Role and Position of NOROBS in the Context of Norway’s Contributio...
The Role of the CPIA and PBA at the Country Level - Case Studies of Ethiopia and Malawi