Learning from Experience - International Policing
In the Norwegian MFA-funded project ‘Learning from Experience – International Policing’ the researchers examined several aspects of police participation in international deployments in order to extract best practices and lessons learned. The project consisted of four main parts: 1) looking at how Norway and like-minded countries manage knowledge in connection to the recruitment and deployment of police officers in international missions; 2) analysing training experiences for peace operations; 3) gathering, systematizing and analysing experiences and insights of individual Norwegian police officers who had served in international operations (1989–2016); and 4) analysing the Specialized Police Team model that Norway deployed to MINUSTAH to build Haitian police capacity to investigate sexual violence. This Policy Brief sums up the main findings of the project, and offers policy recommendations on the basis of other research.
Ny studie: Ulovlig kapitalflukt fra utviklingsland vokser
Ulovlig kapitalflukt fra utviklingsland øker og tallene er store; kun i 2014 var kapitalflukten estimert til rundt rundt 1 trillion amerikanske dollar, viser ny rapport fra Global Financial Integrity.
Norwegian Police in International Operations 1989-2016
This policy brief presents the main findings and recommendations from a longer survey-based report with the same title, documenting the experiences of Norwegian police personnel in international operations from 1989 until today. The purpose of the survey was to systematically gather the knowledge Norwegian police bring home from international operations, be they peace operations, stabilization missions or other assistance missions. This information is an important source of information for policymakers, practitioners and academics in order to understand the challenges Norwegian police have met, not only in the field but also before deployment and after return. This is meant to provide an improved knowledge base for developing new policy and practice for Norwegian police deployments and international police assistance.
Fighting international terrorism the French way
Under dette seminaret vil seniorforskar ved NUPI, Pernille Rieker presentere eit kapittel i den kommande boka si «French Foreign Policy in a Changing world. Practicing the Grandeur”.
Utfordrende utenrikspolitikk
Den dramatiske situasjonen i Europa er en av våre største utenrikspolitiske utfordringer, sa Ulf Sverdrup under Veivalg-lanseringen på Litteraturhuset 20. april.
Frukostseminar: NATO og kollektivt forsvar i det 21. hundreåret
Leverer NATO? Karsten Friis lanserer bok og gir innsikt i viktige spørsmål om alliansen. I samband med lanseringa av “NATO and Collective Defence in the 21st Century: An Assessment of the Warsaw Summit” har NUPI gleda av å invitere til frukostseminar.
Fortellingen om Kina
Ny artikkel: Kina stiger raskt opp som en nøkkelaktør på det afrikanske kontinentet.
Fransk val nachspiel: Korleis blir den franske politikken?
Emmanuel Macron skal styre Frankrike dei neste åra. Christian Lequesne gjestar NUPI for å snakke om utfallet av valet.
NUPI-uken som gikk – uke 14
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