Viewpoint paper. Islander mobilities: any change from climate change?
David mot Goliat? Små stater i EU
Hvilken betydning har EU for små stater i en tid preget av europeiske endringer og globale skifter? Det var hovedspørsmålet da EU-minister Vidar Helgesen åpnet NUPIs EUNOR-workshop 8. oktober.
Locating international REDD+ power relations: Debating forests and trees in international climate negotiations
Bedriftenes samfunnsansvar for petroleum i Nord-Norge og Russisk Arktis
Samfunn og styresmakter har ulike forventningar til bedrifters samfunnsansvar (CSR) med omsyn til arktisk olje og gass. På dette seminaret tar to presentasjonar for seg dette temaet.
Financial Sanctions Impact Russian Oil, Equipment Export Ban's Effects Limited
Hva gjør fremtidens petroleumssektor med geopolitikken?
Dette seminaret vil utforske geopolitikk med blikk på energifeltet. Seminaret utforskar korleis geopolitiske relasjonar kan påverkast i framtida, og Saudi-Arabias tilnærming til skiferrevolusjonen.
Engergy Security in the Baltic Sea Region: Regional coordination and and management of interdependencies
The study maps changing energy relations in the Baltic Sea region in the aftermath of two events – the 2004 EU enlargement that has changed the political and institutional / regulatory landscape of the region and the outbreak of the armed conflict in Ukraine that has put the issue of energy security – and security in more general terms – very high on the European political agenda. It discusses how the regional distribution of energy resources and energy policies have contributed to altering the level of energy security in the whole region and in particular countries, how various actors have addressed energy security concerns by cooperative policies, in particular, EU wide and sub-regional (Nordic, Baltic) coordination measures aimed at managing energy interdependencies and increasing energy security.
Islander innovation: A research and action agenda on local responses to global issues
Climate change and the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction