Vietnam: Six Ways to Keep Up the Renewable Energy Investment Success
Vietnam is one of the most attractive destinations for renewable energy investment in ASEAN. In 2018, the country attracted USD 5.2 billion. In 2019, the share of renewable energy in the energy mix was 9%, thus already exceeding the 7% target set for 2020. If Vietnam is to continue its success and compete globally for investment in renewable energy, it will need to further develop its investment climate. The competition is heating up in this area, and an increasing number of countries have similar conditions and frameworks for renewable energy investment. Therefore, every improvement may help boost a market’s relative attractiveness. We propose six actions that can further enhance the attractiveness of Vietnam’s renewable energy sector for investment from both domestic and international investors: prioritise renewable energy in the governance system; streamline the regulatory framework; facilitate market entry for investors; improve transparency and communication about the investment regime; improve grid expansion planning; join IRENA to further build the capacity for renewable energy governance.
Thailand: Improving the Business Climate for Renewable Energy Investment
Thailand er ledende på fornybar energi blant ASEAN-landene. Fra 2006 til 2018 tiltrakk Thailand seg mer enn 10,7 milliarder USD i investeringer i fornybar energi. Landets kapasitet for fornybar energi utgjorde i 2019 over 60% av den totale kapasiteten i ASEAN-området. Fornybare energikilder utgjorde 15% av den thailandske energimiksen i 2018, og målet er at denne andelen skal øke til 30% i 2036. Til tross for dette stagnerte investeringene i Thailand i 2018-2019. Forfatterne av denne policy brief-en foreslår fem tiltak som kan forbedre attraktiviteten til Thailands investeringsklima både på kortere og lengre sikt: 1) Få på plass et dedikert departement for fornybar energi. 2) Utvide og forbedre regelverket. 3) Legge bedre til rette for direkte energihandel mellom energiprodusenter (peer-to-peer) 4) Bygge opp kapasitet for styring av fornybar energi.
In the shadow of the virus Varieties of power in the COVID-19 crisis in Venezuela
While all states face massive challenges when responding to COVID-19, some are in a more precarious position than others. In Venezuela, the pandemic arrived at the worst possible time for its citizens. Facing one of the deepest economic crises outside of wartime in recent years, its consequences have spilled over to all aspect of social life.1 However, the timing seems to have suited the leaders of the Venezuelan regime well. Rather than constituting a threat to the stability of a regime that has lost both democratic legitimacy and the capacity to provide services and security, the government of Nicolas Maduro (2013-present) has seemingly managed to consolidate itself after several years of instability. The starting point of the discussion is an apparent paradox: how can a regime with neither legitimacy nor capacity, two commonly invoked criteria for effective crisis management, strengthen itself during a crisis such as that spurred by COVID-19? The brief presents an overview of how the Venezuelan regime has responded to COVID-19, and how the government of Nicolás Maduro has applied different strategies to consolidate a favorable political status quo. It takes as its starting point three concepts, namely “state capacity,” “legitimacy,” and “power,” all of which are frequently upheld as fundamental for understanding the varying ways in which states have responded to the pandemic. It highlights how relative power relations have shifted in recent years, and how the pandemic has contributed to skewing the balance of power further in favor of the Maduro government.
NUPI tildelt finansiering for fem forskningsprosjekter fra Norges forskningsråd
Norges forskningsråd finansierer fem nye NUPI-ledede prosjekter.
Strategic dimension of Russian energy policy
Denne forelesningen var en del av Statkrafts forskningsdag hvor selskapets ansatte skulle få anledning til å fordype seg i forskjellige aspekter av energipolitikk. Hovedtema var å vise hvilken rolle Russlands energiressurser spiller i landets strategiske valg.
The High North, Between Shipping Routes and Militarization Security Challenges to the Arctic - the Norwegian perspective
Kort presentasjon av Russlands strategi i Arktis sett fra et strategisk norsk perspektiv som av en del av diskusjon i panel nr to i webinar organisert av LSE Ideas, NUPI og New Strategic Center som en del av FLANKS-prosjektet
What does Russia want in the High North?
En kort presentasjon av Russlands strategiske målsetninger i Nordområder og Arktis til partnere i FLANKS-prosjektet