Frukostseminar: Ei verd av mistillit – kva gjer Kina?
Internasjonale tillitskriser pregar nyheitsbiletet, men korleis er Kina til dette? Og kva betyr Kinas eiga utvikling for det internasjonale engasjementet i landet?
PODCAST: Trump - symptom eller årsak?
- Det skremmande er at Donald Trump no faktisk trur han har teken på jobben sin.
KRONIKK: EUs vanskelige Iran-valg
Kan EU bøye av for USA i Iran-avtalen? spør Sverre Lodgaard.
Myanmar – utfordringar og moglegheiter
FN Resident Coordinator og UNDP representant i Myanmar, Knut Østby, og forskarane Roman Vakulchuk og Kristian Stokke ser nærare på Myanmar - eit land med store politiske og økonomiske utfordringar.
- En akademisk rebell
Både lovordene og rebell-karakteristikkene og latteren satt løst da vi hedret Iver B. Neumann.
Nils Klim-prisen til NUPI-forsker
«En fremragende statsviter og en ytterst velegnet rollemodell for yngre forskere.»
Everyday sovereignty: International experts, brokers and local ownership in peacebuilding Liberia
The present article investigates how sovereignty is performed, enacted and constructed in an everyday setting. Based on fieldwork and interviews with international embedded experts about the elusive meaning of ‘local ownership’, we argue that while sovereignty may, indeed, be a model according to which the international community ‘constructs’ rogue or failed polities in ‘faraway’ places, this view overlooks that these places are still spaces in which contestations over spheres of authority take place every day, and thus also spaces in which sovereignty is constructed and reconstructed on a daily basis. Local ownership, then, becomes our starting point for tracing the processes of the everyday enactment of sovereignty. We make the case that sovereignty should not be reified, but instead be studied in its quotidian and dynamic production, involving the multiplicity of actors reflecting the active production of the state beyond its presumptive existence as a homogeneously organized, institutionalized and largely centralized bureaucracy.