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Global governance

What are the key questions related to global governance?
Scientific article

Predictive Peacekeeping: Strengthening Predictive Analysis in UN Peace Operations

The UN is becoming increasingly data-driven. Until recently, data-driven initiatives have mainly been led by individual UN field missions, but with António Guterres, the new Secretary-General, a more centralized approach is being embarked on. With a trend towards the use of data to support the work of UN staff, the UN is likely to soon rely on systematic data analysis to draw patterns from the information that is gathered in and across UN field missions. This paper is based on UN peacekeeping data from the Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC) in Darfur, and draws on interviews conducted in New York, Mali and Sudan. It will explore the practical and ethical implications of systematic data analysis in UN field missions. Systematic data analysis can help the leadership of field missions to decide where to deploy troops to protect civilians, guide conflict prevention efforts and help preempt threats to the mission itself. However, predictive analysis in UN peace operations will only be beneficial if it also leads to early action. Finally, predictive peacekeeping will not only be demanding of resources, it will also include ethical challenges on issues such as data privacy and the risk of reidentification of informants or other potentially vulnerable people.

  • United Nations
  • United Nations
Jenny  Nortvedt

Jenny Nortvedt

Former employee

Jenny Nortvedt was a Junior Research Fellow in the Research Group on Peace, Conflict and Development at NUPI. 

  • Diplomacy
  • Peace operations
  • Climate
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • Diplomacy
  • Peace operations
  • Climate
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
Bildet viser Luciakammen på Svalbard
Research Project
2018 - 2024 (Ongoing)

The Lorax Project: Understanding Ecosystemic Politics (LORAX)

Do regional politics around border-crossing ecosystems share important resemblances and differ in significant ways from global politics?...

  • Diplomacy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • South and Central America
  • The Arctic
  • Climate
  • Oceans
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • Diplomacy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • South and Central America
  • The Arctic
  • Climate
  • Oceans
  • Governance
  • International organizations
Scientific article

Plugging the capability-expectations gap: towards effective, comprehensive and conflict-sensitive EU crisis response?

Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, the European Union (EU) has spent considerable time and energy on defining and refining its comprehensive approach to external conflicts. The knock-on effects of new and protracted crises, from the war in Ukraine to the multi-faceted armed conflicts in the Sahel and the wider Middle East, have made the improvement of external crisis-response capacities a top priority. But has the EU has managed to plug the capability–expectations gap, and develop an effective, comprehensive and conflict sensitive crisis-response capability? Drawing on institutional theory and an approach developed by March and Olsen, this article analyses whether the EU has the administrative capacities needed in order to be an effective actor in this area and implement a policy in line with the established goals and objectives identified in its comprehensive approach.

  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Conflict
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Conflict
  • International organizations
  • The EU
Scientific article

Gender-Discriminatory Laws and Women’s Economic Agency

Recent years have seen widespread advances in women’s legal rights in many countries. In other places, restrictions on women’s autonomy remain entrenched. This study explores cross-country patterns in the association between gender-discriminatory legislation and various indicators of women’s economic agency. We find that restrictions on legal capacity predict women’s asset ownership and labor force participation, while discrimination in wage work and parental leave are associated with the size and direction of wage gaps. These findings highlight the importance of conceptualizing and measuring legal rights and their potential effects as multidimensional.

  • Governance
  • Governance

EU-NATO inter-organizational relations in counter-piracy operations off the Horn of Africa

The track record of military rapid response mechanisms, troops on standby, ready to be deployed to a crisis within a short time frame by intergovernmental organizations, remains disappointing. Yet, many of the obstacles to multinational actors launching a rapid and effective military response in times of crisis are largely similar. This book is the first comprehensive and comparative contribution to explore and identify the key factors that hamper and enable the development and deployment of multinational rapid response mechanisms. Examining lessons from deployments by the AU, the EU, NATO, and the UN in the Central African Republic, Mali, Somalia and counter-piracy in the Horn of Africa, the contributors focus upon the following questions: Was there a rapid response to the crises? By whom? If not, what were the major obstacles to rapid response? Did inter-organizational competition hinder responsiveness? Or did cooperation facilitate responsiveness? Bringing together leading scholars working in this area offers a unique opportunity to analyze and develop lessons for policy-makers and for theorists of inter-organizational relations. This work will be of interest to scholars and students of peacebuilding, peacekeeping, legitimacy and international relations.

  • Defence
  • NATO
  • The EU
  • Defence
  • NATO
  • The EU
Bildet viser hovedstaden i Georgia, Tbilisi
Research project
2018 - 2022 (Completed)

Competency through Cooperation: Advancing knowledge on Georgia's strategic path (GEOPATH)

GEOPATH is a collaborative research project which aims to build competency in the Georgian research sector as well as producing new insights into the crucial question of Georgia's future strategi...

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Governance
  • The EU
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Governance
  • The EU

Russian Governance of the North Caucasus: Dilemmas of force and inclusion

While Vladimir Putin’s Russia struggles to strike a balance between security and freedom within the Russian polity, nowhere is the problem as acute as in the eastern parts of the North Caucasus. This chapter reviews Russia’s approach to the republics in that region since Putin came to power, and asks what the potential for mobilisation against Russian rule in the North Caucasus amounts to. The current decrease in violence in the region is often taken as a sign of ‘success’ in curbing the insurgency. I argue that the heavy focus on repression and exclusion in Russian policies may well backfire and create conditions for a new mobilisation against Russian dominance.

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
  • Insurgencies
  • Governance
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
  • Insurgencies
  • Governance

European countries differ in how they talk critical issues with China

This is the conclusion in a new report addressing political values in Europe-China relations. Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr (NUPI and UiB) has written the chapter on Norway.

  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Governance
Bildet viser statsminister Erna Solberg og Kinas president Xi Jinping

The Civilian Casualty Tracking Analysis and Response Cell in the African Union Mission in Somalia: an emerging best practice for AU peace support o...

The Civilian Casualty Tracking Analysis and Response Cell (CCTARC) tracks harm to civilians caused by the African Union Mission in Somalia’s (AMISOM) operations including death, injury, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and damage to property including livestock. The cell faces three main types of challenges: • Structural: the sectoral composition of AMISOM hinders effective exchange of information. • Operational: there is no fund to pay amends to victims. • Political: in the midst of competing strategic pressures, the CCTARC has not been adequately prioritised by the mission, African Union Commission, Troop Contributing Countries, and donors.

  • Regional integration
  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Nation-building
  • Nationalism
  • International organizations
  • AU
  • Regional integration
  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Nation-building
  • Nationalism
  • International organizations
  • AU
681 - 690 of 1496 items