Global management of energy areas in a globalized world (Energistyring)
This project aims to explore how structural changes in the surroundings, in form of increased integration between different energy sources and regions, is managed by international organizations....
Science and Business in Arctic Environmental Governance (POLGOV)
We know little about the role of science and business actors in contemporary Arctic governance. This project seeks to address this gap....
Can the Polish shale gas dog still bark? Politics and policy of unconventional hydrocarbons in Poland
Energy: The Missing Link in Globalization
Energy resources are transported long distances and create powerful interlinkages between countries. Energy thus contributes to the globalization of the world, but has received little attention in the globalization literature. This article hypothesizes that energy globalization is growing and accelerating. The hypothesis is tested by developing an index to measure changes in the extent of energy globalization during the 20-year period from 1992 to 2011. The following sub-indicators are included in the index: number of energy trade relationships, average distance of energy trade relationships, and energy dependency of the countries in the world. The development of the index encounters a number of conceptual and methodological challenges related to globalization, which, it turns out, have not been addressed properly in the broader literature. Clarification of these issues can help improve the analysis of globalization.
China and the Nordics Seminar Series
What roles can the Nordic countries play in China’s emerging European engagement?...
Governance of climate change adaptation on Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Beyond reach? EU-China climate relations after Paris
In this seminar, Dr. Olivia Gippner (LSE) will trace the evolution of the EU-China climate relationship since its creation in 2005.