Why Ukraine matters
NUPI has the pleasure of inviting you to a public seminar with James Sherr from Chatham House.
Hva bør Europa gjøre? Migrasjonskrisen
Først må den akutte migrasjonskrisen løses. Deretter må Europa finne varige politiske og institusjonelle løsninger.
Does dialogue resolve conflicts?
Dialogue has become a buzzword in international politics. But can it really carry the burden of conflict resolution?
Boko Haram – funds and logistics
NUPI and the Skattjakt-network has the pleasure of inviting to a seminar with Dr Adebusuyi Isaac Adeniran (Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria).
Defining the Peacekeeping Economy
Peacekeeping is difficult, and being a peacekeeper is not easy either. But for the local people living in the midst of a large-scale peacekeeping mission, life is even more precarious.
UN at 70: Peace and Security
This seminar focuses on peace and security, and explores the three recent review processes conducted in this field: the peace operations review, the review of the peacebuilding architecture and the review of the implementation of security council resolution 1325.
The next big European project
How will the EU handle the vital challenge of the Mediterranean migration crisis?
The next big European project? The migration and asylum crisis: a vital challenge for the EU
The summer of 2015 may well be remembered as a turning point in the history of both migration to Europe and European integration. There was a further rise in mixed inflows of migrants and refugees, with a diversification of the routes employed – in particular, a surge in transits across the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Balkans. Secondly,the already dynamic map of political reactions and policy responses entered a phase of hectic and deep change, due primarily to a major shift in the position of Germany.
Reforms, Customs and Resilience: Justice for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Liberia
This book explores the burgeoning interest in alternative and innovative justice responses to sexual violence both within and outside the legal system. It explores the limits of criminal law for achieving 'rape justice' and highlights possibilities for expanding how we think about justice in the aftermath of sexual violence.