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UN at 70: Peace and Security

This seminar focuses on peace and security, and explores the three recent review processes conducted in this field: the peace operations review, the review of the peacebuilding architecture and the review of the implementation of security council resolution 1325.
25 October 2015
08:45 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Peace operations
  • United Nations
  • English

This seminar is the first seminar out of three in the UN70 seminar series, which NUPI co-organises with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and its UN70: A new Agenda project.

It focuses on peace and security – one of the pillars on which the United Nations’ work is based – and explores the three recent review processes conducted in this field: the peace operations review, the review of the peacebuilding architecture and the review of the implementation of security council resolution 1325.

The presentations of each of these reviews will outline the steps of the different review processes and highlight the key challenges identified and recommendations made. The discussion aim to identify the reviews’ implications for reforms in the field of peace and security.

The event will be streamed on YouTube:

Programme 08.45 - 11.00:

08.45 - 09.00: Coffee/tea

09.00 - 09.10: Welcome

Introductions and objectives

Gjermund Sæther, Project Manager, UN70: A New Agenda, MFA

09.10 - 09.30: The Peace Operations review

Key recommendations and  challenges identified, the process and the UNSG’s report

Hilde Frafjord Johnson, Member of the High-Level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations and Visiting Fellow, NUPI

09.30-09.50: The Peacebuilding Architecture review

Key recommendations and challenges identified, the process and the UNSG’s report

Cedric de Coning, Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Peacebuilding Architecture Review project, NUPI

09.50-10.10: The UNSC 1325 review

Key recommendations and challenges identified, the process and the Global Study report

Laura Mitchell, Senior Advisor, NOREF

10.10-11.00: Discussion


Hilde Frafjord Johnson
Former visiting fellow
Cedric H. de Coning
Research Professor
Gjermund Sæther
Project Manager, UN70: A New Agenda, MFA
Laura Mitchell
Senior Advisor, NOREF

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25 October 2015
08:45 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Peace operations
  • United Nations
  • English