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Global economy

What are the central questions related to global economy?
Research Project
2011 - 2015 (Completed)

Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN)

GR:EEN will study the current and future role of the EU in an emerging multi-polar world through a programme of stock-taking, multi-disciplinary research and complementary activities....

  • Trade
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Human rights
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • Trade
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Human rights
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • International economics
  • Security policy
  • Trade
Scientific article

Global wealth chains in the international political economy

This work is funded by the ‘Systems of Tax Evasion and Laundering: Locating Global Wealth Chains in the International Political Economy’(STEAL 2012-15) project funded by the TaxCapDev program under the Research Council of Norway (#212210/H30), and based at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.

  • International economics
  • Governance
  • International economics
  • Governance

The rise of Euroscepticism and how to deal with it in the EU

It used to be seen as a British disease, but Euroscepticism has spread like a virus across the continent – infecting creditors, debtors, would-be euro-members and outs alike. Trust in the European project has fallen even faster than European interest rates. Since the beginning of the crisis, France losses 32 points, Germany -49, Italy -52, Spain -98, Poland -44, UK –36.The damage is so deep that it does not matter whether coun-tries are creditors, debtor countries, would-be members of the euro or countries with opt-outs: everybody is worse off. Back in 2007, people thought that the UK, which scored minus 13 points in trust, was the Eurosceptic outlier. Now, the four members of the eurozone come in well below Britain in their trust for EU institutions: Germany -29, France and Italy -22, Spain -52. What is happening?I think there is a fundamental crisis at the level of narrative for Europe, in the nature of the EU project and in political organization at a national level.

  • International economics
  • Regional integration
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • International economics
  • Regional integration
  • Europe
  • The EU

TTIP - Economic Consequences and Possibilities for Third Countries: the Case of Norway

The possible realisation of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the USA may have significant impacts, also for third countries. This policy brief analyses the economic consequences and possibilities for one third country – Norway – discussing both TTIP and a separate agreement on trade and investments between Norway and the USA.

  • International economics
  • Trade
  • International investments
  • Globalisation
  • Regional integration
  • North America
  • The EU
  • International economics
  • Trade
  • International investments
  • Globalisation
  • Regional integration
  • North America
  • The EU

Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia

  • Trade
  • Asia
  • Trade
  • Asia

New trade theory: implications for industrial policy

  • International economics
  • Trade
  • Globalisation
  • International economics
  • Trade
  • Globalisation

The Governance of Global Wealth Chains

  • International economics
  • International economics
Scientific article

Kazakhstan’s Market Economy: Key Milestones and Achievements

  • International economics
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • International economics
  • Russia and Eurasia
571 - 580 of 714 items