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Defence and security

What are the central questions related to defence and security?
Kva er deepfakes?

Kva er deepfakes?

Såkalla deepfakes, falske videoar, er ikkje berre ei underhaldande teknologisk nyvinning. Det kan også være ein trugsel for deg, og ikkje minst ka...

  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Conflict
  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Conflict
Hva er greia med Ukraina?

Hva er greia med Ukraina?

Ukraina kan bli angrepet av Russland i 2022. Hva er det med Ukraina som gjør at landet kan bli episenteret for den største krigen i Europa siden a...

  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Nationalism
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Nationalism
Sverige, Finland og NATO

Sverige, Finland og NATO

Våre naboland Sverige og Finland har alltid stått utenfor forsvarsalliansen NATO, men da Russland angrep Ukraina, endret svensk og finsk forsvarsp...

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Conflict
  • International organizations
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Conflict
  • International organizations
Hvordan avgjøres krigen i Ukraina?

Hvordan avgjøres krigen i Ukraina?

Ett år har gått siden Russland angrep Ukraina. Hva har skjedd? Og hva tror vi vil skje videre? Krigen avgjøres heller ikke bare på slagmarken. Hvo...

  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • International organizations
Colombia: Gangstere, geriljaer, korrupsjon og kokain

Colombia: Gangstere, geriljaer, korrupsjon og kokain

Etter mange år med borgerkrig har Colombia en vanskelig vei mot fred. I 2023 skal Operasjon Dagsverk samle inn penger til ungdom i Colombia, for å...

  • Defence
  • Peace operations
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies
  • Defence
  • Peace operations
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies

PODCAST: How to Become a Hegemon

The World Stage unpacks great power politics and how a potential hegemon can attract allies.
  • Defence
  • International economics
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • North America
  • Governance
  • Historical IR

European Actorness in a Shifting Geopolitical Order. European Strategic Autonomy Through Differentiated Integration

This is an open access book. Over the past decade, the global geopolitical context has changed significantly, with a geopolitical power shift and a more assertive Russia and China. With the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, European security has been put on high alert. The implications of the Russian military invasion are many and difficult to grasp in full. But the need for greater European strategic autonomy appears increasingly evident. But how can this be achieved in the short run? The answer to this question is often that it is impossible and that this can only be achieved in the long run. The aim of this book is to present a different perspective. It aims at showing that it should be possible to make the most out of the current European system if we adjust our understanding of how it works. The book argues that strategic autonomy may be reached—also in the short run—if differentiated integration is seen as an asset rather than a challenge. While the EU remains the core in such a system (together with NATO in the military domain), there is a multitude of other (bilateral and minilateral) regional and sub-regional integration processes that need to be taken into account to get the full idea of how European strategic autonomy can be achieved. This book starts by presenting a theoretical framework for how to study European actorness beyond the EU, then this framework will be applied both to the development towards the EU as a foreign policy actor through the mechanisms of enlargement.

  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The EU

PODCAST: AI, God and Ethics

The World Stage takes a dive in the world of ethics and technology – and the pope's white puffer coat.
  • Cyber
  • Governance

Stormaktenes militærmakt: Militær kapasitet og muligheter for å bidra med forsterkninger til Norge

This report is in Norwegian only. Norsk forsvarspolitikk bygger på en tro på at medlemskapet i NATO og partnerskap med viktige allierte vil sikre at Norge får militære forsterkninger dersom en krig bryter ut. Kollektivt forsvar og bilateralt samarbeid er to av tre grunnpilarer i det norske forsvarskonseptet (Figur 1). USA, Storbritannia, Tyskland og Frankrike er regnet som de viktigste stormaktene i NATO. Denne rapporten gir et bilde av hvordan disse stormaktenes væpnede styrker er utformet, hvordan de utvikler seg, hva de er i stand til å gjøre, og hvor mye de kan gjøre på en gang. Hensikten er å forbedre forståelsen av hva Norge kan forvente å få av militær støtte i krig.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • North America
Policy brief

Knowledge Gaps in the Nexus of Climate, Peace and Security

There is a growing body of research on the relationship between climate change and peace and security. Research shows that the effects of climate change can exacerbate existing vulnerabilities, such as food and water security, and in combination with other factors can also increase the risk of violent conflict. It is increasingly recognized that actions taken to prevent and manage conflict can be coordinated and integrated with actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Such cross-disciplinary cooperation can generate outcomes that are beneficial for both a sustainable peace and environment. The COP27 Presidency initiative titled “Climate Responses for Sustaining Peace” (CRSP), has taken a leading role in this movement by spearheading a discursive pivot from a climate security nexus towards a climate and peacebuilding nexus, with multifaceted and holistic approaches. The literature on how to integrate climate adaption and mitigation actions in efforts to build sustainable peace is still underdeveloped. However, there are related fields, such as the relationship between peace, conflict and natural resource management that may offer comparable lessons. This policy paper takes stock of the existing knowledge and identifies knowledge gaps for policy practice in the crucial, complex and emergent field of climate, peace and security. It classifies significant gaps in our actionable knowledge by sorting them into operational knowledge gaps, climate finance knowledge gaps, and gaps in the knowledge infrastructure.

  • Security policy
  • Conflict
  • Climate
  • Security policy
  • Conflict
  • Climate
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