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Who could replace Sudan’s PM Abdalla Hamdok?

Andrew E Yaw Tchie from the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs discusses the resignation of Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and how the country can move forward.

  • Africa
  • Conflict
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  • Africa
  • Conflict
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9. Jun 2022
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Breakfast seminar: What can we do to ensure peace and security in a new era of complex risk?

Welcome to the launch of this new timely report: ‘Environment of Peace’!


PODKAST: Slik påvirker Ukraina-krigen europeisk sikkerhetspolitikk

Pernille Rieker is a guest in the FFI podcast "Ugradert" "Russia's invasion of Ukraine marked a turning point in European history. In this episode of Ugradert, we talk to chief researcher at FFI, Bjørn Olav Knutsen, and researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Foreign Policy (Nupi) Pernille Rieker."

  • Security policy
  • Europe
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  • Security policy
  • Europe

DEBATT: Krigen i Ukraina og hvordan den endrer Europa

Panel discussion about the war in Ukraine and how it affects Europe. Organised by Europabevegelsen.

  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Security policy
  • Europe

Digital Sovereignty

Digital sovereignty is a relative newcomer, in spite of having become relatively well-entrenched in current policy discourses. In fact, as attacks on digital infrastructures – be they private or public – have become more fierce and frequent, it has become clear that the maintenance of national security largely presumes that a state is able to maintain its cyber security. Recourse to sovereignty in this matter also largely implies a willingness to deal with cybersecurity within the legal domain rather than the purely military one. Digital sovereignty does just that. It asserts national privilege as a matter of principle while at the same time keeping the issue at the level of criminal offence rather than a purely military one.

  • Cyber
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  • Cyber

Identification and physical disconnect in Russian foreign policy: Georgia as a Western proxy once again?

Evolving official Russian identifications of Georgia amount to a dangerous securitisation of this small neighbour – achieved through a focus not on Georgia itself but on Western engagement in the region. With the long absence of face-to-face diplomatic encounters and contact, the Russian idea of Georgia as a ‘Western proxy’ has become entrenched. This article advances a social explanation of Russian foreign policy that speaks to geopolitical explanations in foregrounding great power interaction and security by drawing on insights from a discourse-theoretical reading of securitisation theory. It adds value to social explanations by showing how the identification of another political entity can be changed into that of a ‘proxy’ through its integration into a larger ‘radically different other’, and how this expansion occurs in interplay with interpretations of physical manifestations of the larger ‘radically different other’ in the ‘proxy’. Finally, it draws attention to the impact of physical encounters on foreign policy in these times of COVID-19, war, and growing isolationism in world affairs.

  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
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  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia

Hva er sikkerhet for Hongkong?

Op-ed about the situation leading up to a new security law in Hong Kong.

  • Asia
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  • Asia

Kina sikter mot toppen

A presentation of China's new Five-year plan. Part of NUPI's "Hvor hender det?" series.

  • International economics
  • Foreign policy
  • Asia
  • International economics
  • Foreign policy
  • Asia

Kinesisk digi-tek fra fri galopp til båndtvang

Op-ed on changing regulations for Chinese digital technology

  • International economics
  • Asia
  • International economics
  • Asia

Grenseløs kamp mot korona

A presentation of the international Covid-19 response cooperation, at the early stages of the pandemic. Part of NUPI's "Hvor hender det?" series.

  • Globalisation
  • Development policy
  • Asia
  • Globalisation
  • Development policy
  • Asia
641 - 650 of 3794 items