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NUPI skole
08:30 - 12:30
Engelsk og norsk
Russkonf23_hovedplakat ny copy.jpg
08:30 - 12:30
Engelsk og norsk
14. Nov 2023
08:30 - 12:30
Engelsk og norsk

The Russia Conference 2023: Russia and the West – a new reality

Join us on 14 November for the annual Russia Conference!


Riddervold: Avtaler med EU – lettere sagt enn gjort

EU utvikler nye mekanismer for beredskap og krisehåndtering på alt fra helse til sikker kommunikasjon, sikring av infrastruktur og tilgang til kritiske råvarer. Norge vil som vanlig være med. Men er det en selvfølge at Norge får avtaler på bestilling? Og hvorfor drøyer det på områder der både EU og Norge ønsker en avtale, spør forsker Marianne Riddervold i denne kronikken.

  • The EU
  • The EU
Scientific article

The European Union's space diplomacy: Contributing to peaceful co-operation?

The European Union (EU) has become a key player in space, second only to that of the USA. This article discusses what type of diplomatic actor the EU is in space by exploring whether it contributes to peaceful co-operation or if the EU — due to increasing geopolitical competition on Earth — is developing into a traditional realist actor. For this purpose, it applies three analytically distinct models of EU space policies, applicable also to other Global Commons areas. It finds that the EU does not treat space as an area of geopolitical competition. Instead, it contributes to space diplomacy through its focus on regulating and institutionalising space activities. However, rather than being driven by ‘the space flight idea’, the EU is committed to the peaceful development of space mainly for economic, strategic and societal purposes, in line with what one would expect of a liberal institutionalist actor.

  • Diplomacy
  • The EU
  • Diplomacy
  • The EU
Scientific article
Marianne Riddervold, Eugenio Cusumano

Failing through: European migration governance across the central Mediterranean

Both today and under Gaddafi’s authoritarian rule, externalised migration controls have played a crucial role in EUropean irregular mobility governance across the Central Mediterranean. Offloading migration management on Tripoli is puzzling due to the fragility of its institutions, the ill-preparedness of its security forces, and widespread abuse against migrants. Why have European member states and EU institutions relapsed to relying on Libyan forces to govern irregular migration? In this paper, we argue that the EU has failed through the migration crisis in the Central Mediterranean by drawing on already established albeit ineffective and contentious policy tools. The collapse of Libya’s state apparatus, European Court of Human Rights’ censure of Italy’s illegal pushbacks and public opinion pressure temporarily displaced but did not fundamentally change EUrope’s restrictive approach to irregular mobility governance. While some new and less restrictive border enforcement policies were developed in response to the soaring death toll, this humanitarian turn was short-lived. By combining the mechanism of failing forward with institutionalist insights, our concept of failing through explains why the EU and its member states soon backslid into pre-existing institutional arrangements like bilateral agreements with Libyan authorities notwithstanding their problematic legal, ethical and political implications.

  • Migration
  • Governance
  • The EU
  • Migration
  • Governance
  • The EU

The future of NATO and collective security

Guest lecture at EDS380 International Organizations

  • NATO
  • NATO

Hjemsendte diplomater

Norske diplomater hjemsendt fra ambassaden i Moskva.

  • Diplomacy
  • Diplomacy

Panel debate, "War in Europe: Nordic Cooperation in a Changing Security Environment"

Paneldebate, annual conference held in collaboration with the Foreign Ministry, the Nordic House, the Institute for Public Administration and Politics at the University of Iceland and the Icelandic Political Scientist Association.

  • Security policy
  • The Nordic countries
  • Security policy
  • The Nordic countries

Norden i endring

  • The Nordic countries
  • The Nordic countries

Med krig i nærområdene, hvor går Norden?

Krigen i Ukraina har endret Norden. Med Sverige og Finland på vei inn i NATO åpnes nye muligheter for tettere nordisk samarbeid. Samtidig har Nordisk råd begynt å diskutere hvorvidt det er behov for å revidere Helsingforsavtalen – også omtalt som «Nordens grunnlov», slik at avtalen også omfatter det nordiske samarbeidet om sikkerhet og beredskap. Hvilke følger får den nye sikkerhetspolitiske situasjonen for det nordiske samarbeidet? Hva gjør endringene med Nordens posisjon – i Europa og verden? Skal vi ha en nordisk forsvarskommisjon, slik blant andre tidligere statsminister Magdalena Andersson nylig tok til orde for?

  • Security policy
  • The Nordic countries
  • Security policy
  • The Nordic countries

Brexit, "globale Storbritannia" og Norge

Innledning for vennskapsgruppen for Storbritannia

  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Europe
  • The EU
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