Hva betyr brexit for utenforlandet Norge?
What does Brexit mean for EU outsider Norway? This article discusses how the British decision to leave the EU has influenced Norwegian EU debate thus far, and what implications Brexit might have for Norway’s relations with the EU and with Britain. I begin by presenting Norway’s current association model with the EU, and the ongoing political and media debate about membership and the EEA agreement, before I introduce Brexit as a breaking point. In the remainder of the article, I examine how the Norwegian government has approached Brexit so far, and reflect on how Britain’s departure from the EU may influence Norway’s relations with the EU, the EEA agreement and the British-Norwegian bilateral relationship.
Networks of Practice at the Margins of Empire
Dr Jeppe Mulich visits NUPI to present his ongoing research on empires and privateering in the Greater Caribbean.
Quasi-Professionals in the Organisation of Transnational Crisis Mapping
The recent explosion of increasingly sophisticated mobile information communications technologies (ICTs) has led to the creation of new and complex networks and relationships. The fastest growth and adoption of mobile technologies is now in the developing world and often among populations facing development and humanitarian challenges. The entrepreneurial utilization of technological advances in these populations, combined with dispersed online networks in the developed world, is shaping global governance and the response of international organizations and governments in various ways. In this chapter we explore the particular phenomenon of crisis mapping that has arisen in the past five years out of the confluence of various technological advances and its combination with populations facing crisis. Specifically, we seek to analyze how quasi-professional crisis mappers or “mapsters” are shaping humanitarian action as an evolving professional field.
Xi Jinping’s China – what does the future hold?
China's president has now started his second term at power. What is the future outlook for the country's economy? And how does Japan perceive its neighbour?
Empires, Privateering and the sea (EMPRISE)
EMPRISE studies the role of the importance of power at sea for the formation of empires and states from 1500-1856....
The UN we need?
Is UN Peace Operations adapting fast enough to remain relevant in today’s rapidly changing global landscape?
The ideology of failed states – why intervention fails
Professor Susan L. Woodward visits NUPI to talk about her new book on failed states.
Military Power Seminar 2017 - The Defence of Europe
With a Europe in great change and Russia as the neighbour in the East, Norway is up against some big defence questions in the years to come. This year's Military Power Seminar hosted by Norwegian Defence University College and NUPI, will take a close look at these challenges.
NEW BOOK: Meeting the dragon in the North
The Nordics have a lot to gain from learning from each other's relationship with China.
Norsk hemmelighold: Sikkerhet diskuteres altfor ofte i lukkede rom.
(Available in Norwegian only): Ifølge en NUPI-meningsmåling er sikkerhet og forsvar det området i utenrikspolitikken folk prioriterer høyest. Ingen annen sak er viktigere. Nesten 80 prosent anser den sikkerhetspolitiske trusselen mot Norge som middels til veldig høy. Dette skyldes trolig at verden for de fleste av oss fremstår som mer ustabil og uforutsigbar, ikke minst som følge av Russlands krigføring og økningen av terroranslag i Europa. Samtidig er det langt fra åpenbart hvilke grep vi bør gjøre for å møte disse truslene. Debattene om sikkerhet blir dermed viktige. Vi må unngå overreaksjoner og feil fokus, men sørge for at sikkerhetstiltakene faktisk øker sikkerheten. Dette fordrer god informasjon, åpne debatter og kritiske røster. Dessverre er vi ikke der i dag. Sikkerhet diskuteres altfor ofte i lukkede rom, skriver Karsten friis i denne kronikken.