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Putins propagandaproblem

In this op-ed, Moen-Larsen and Gjerde write about the propaganda that has characterized the official Russian media coverage of the so-called “special military operation” in Ukraine.

  • Russia and Eurasia
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  • Russia and Eurasia

Brothers and barbarians: Discursive constructions of ‘refugees’ in Russian media

This article maps the unexplored terrain of representations of refugees in Russian media, using discourse theory and the concepts of subject positions and symbolic boundaries to analyse these representations. The research questions are: Who are the refugees? What discourses do they feature in? What kinds of symbolic boundaries do these representations maintain? This study analyses the three Russian newspapers Izvestija, Novaya gazeta and Rossiiskaya gazeta, focusing on how, between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2015, these newspapers came to employ the term ‘refugee’ for persons from Ukraine and for those from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Analysis of the subject position of ‘refugee’ in discourses about security, humanitarianism, integration and nationalism reveals contrasting images of refugees from Ukraine and MENA refugees. The latter are represented as ‘threatening’ and ‘alien’: symbolic boundaries are maintained between Russians and these refugees as well as between ‘superior’ Russia and ‘inferior’ Europe. In contrast, refugees from Ukraine are often presented as similar to Russians. Nationalist discourse merges with security, humanitarian and integration discourses, creating contrasting symbolic boundaries between these two groups of refugees and Russians. Refugees are classed as ‘preferred’ or ‘non-preferred’ migrants on the basis not of their situation, but their ethnicity.

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
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  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict

Suitcase – shelling – Russia’: narratives about refugees from Ukraine in Russian media.

The armed conflict in South-East Ukraine has brought a massive increase in refugees in the Russian Federation. This article examines the meaning-making process surrounding the sudden presence of these refugees, through analysis of narratives in three major national newspapers – Izvestiya, Novaya gazeta and Rossiiskaya gazeta –1 June – 30 September 2014. Three thematic groups of narratives predominated: about war, about refugee reception and aid, and about Russia in international relations. These give meaning to the subject-position “refugees from Ukraine” primarily as war victims and aid recipients.

  • Russia and Eurasia
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  • Russia and Eurasia

Norges oljedilemma etter Glasgow: Et umoralsk argument for et raskt grønt skifte

(This article is only in Norwegian) Etter å ha gått seirende ut av «klimavalget 2021», står den rødgrønne regjeringen overfor oppgaven med å sikre Norges grønne omstilling. I den offentlige debatten står gjerne argumenter om global solidaritet og miljøhensyn fremst i begrunnelsene for nødvendigheten av en grønn omstilling, mens motstandere av et raskt skifte fokuserer på de negative økonomiske konsekvensene de mener et raskt skifte vil få for Norge. Denne artikkelen søker å nyansere dette bildet, og argumenterer for et bredere kost-nytte-perspektiv som også tar høyde for diplomatiske kostnader ved å fortsette med oljeleting, samt de økonomiske konsekvensene av en treg omstilling. Selv om man holder konsekvensene av klimaendringene helt utenfor vurderingen, argumenterer vi for at usikkerheten rundt fremtidig oljepris og omdømmerisikoen Norge løper ved å fortsette å basere økonomien på ikke-fornybare energikilder, burde være gode argumenter for å revurdere Norges oljepolitikk.

  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Energy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Energy
Scientific article

Russkii as the New Rossiiskii? Nation-Building in Russia After 1991

Russia’s post-1991 nation-building project has been torn between competing interpretations of national identity. Whereas the other former Soviet republics opted for nation-building centered on the titular nation, Russia’s approach to national identity was framed by the fact that the RSFSR had been defined not as a designated national homeland but as a multi-ethnic federation. This, coupled with Russia’s definition as the legal successor of the Soviet Union, suggesting continuity and a history of uninterrupted statehood, has enabled a range of rivaling understandings of how to define the “nation.” Focusing on top-down official nation-building, this article examines how, against a backdrop of shifting political contexts, structural constraints, and popular attitudes, the Kremlin has gradually revised its understanding of what constitutes the “Russian nation.” Four models for post-Soviet Russian nation-building are identified – the ethnic, the multi-national, the civic, and the imperial. Over time, the correlation of forces among these has shifted. The article concludes that, despite some claims of an ethno-nationalist turn after 2014, the Kremlin still employs nationalism instrumentally: National identity has undoubtedly become more russkii-centered, but, at the same time, the Kremlin keeps the definition of “Russianness” intentionally vague, blurring the boundaries between “nation” and “civilization.”

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Nation-building
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  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Nation-building

PODCAST: Er Sikkerhetsrådet i krise?

Har krigen i Ukraina dyttet Sikkerhetsrådet ut i en eksistensiell krise? NUPI-podkasten Utenrikshospitalet gir deg svaret.
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • United Nations

Meeting about the evolving conflict and security environment in Africa

The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and the Training for Peace (TfP) Programme were pleased to welcome the African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), H.E Ambassador Bankole Adeoye on 23rd June, for an open discussion on the evolving conflict and security environment in Africa.
  • Africa
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Visit with Former President Chissano

As part of an official visit to Oslo, Former President Joaquim Alberto Chissano visited NUPI on 20 June, 2022.
  • Africa
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Climate, Peace and Security in Ethiopia

In this new Fact Sheet from the joint NUPI and SIPRI’s joint Climate-related Peace and Security Risks Project (CPSR) team explore the nexus between climate change, peace and security
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Climate
  • United Nations
Florian Krampe, Cedric H. de Coning, Asha Ali, Anne Funnemark, Elisabeth L. Rosvold, Farah Hegazi, Kyungmee Kim, Katongo Seyuba, Kheira Tarif

Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet Ethiopia

Ethiopia is currently experiencing one of its most severe droughts in decades following four consecutive failed rain seasons. The country has a high dependency on rainfed agriculture, and recent reductions in economic growth rates, rapid population growth, weak institutional capacity and high levels of conflict make it particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. While climatic conditions differ substantially across Ethiopia, the average temperature is projected to increase, and rainfall is expected to become more erratic. Ethiopia´s long history of drought, famine and locust outbreaks all further the need for increased capacity and resilience to cope with the projected impacts of climate change. Political instability and conflict have compounded the humanitarian situation in the country, hampering the ability of the Ethiopian Government to implement its climate adaptation and mitigation policies.

  • Security policy
  • Africa
  • Climate
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  • Security policy
  • Africa
  • Climate
391 - 400 of 2331 items